“Do I bow when I meet your mom and dad? Should I pledge my allegiance to hell? Will they expect a blood sacrifice at dinner?”
“You’re stalling.”
“I’m nervous.”
She leans into me. “Have you never met a girl’s parents before?”
“I have. My ex’s mom hated me, and her dad barely acknowledged my existence. It was one of those moments I’ll never forget and never want to experience again. Hence the no serious relationship rule.”
It’s the most I’ve ever shared with her about any of my previous relationships, and the curious way she looks at me shows that she recognizes that. “I see. Well, clearly, she wasn’t the one for you.” Nearly cutting off her own sentence, she quickly backpedals and continues, “Not implying I am, just saying—don’t compare her rude-ass family to mine, because mine may be a bunch of literal demons, but they’re awesome. Now come on.”
She tugs me up the stairs and through the doors as the doorman . . . doordemon . . . doorbeing. What is a demon with a face like a warthog and the body of a jacked-up bodybuilder that opens doors called?
“You don’t have to bow, a handshake will do. Don’t pledge your allegiance to anything. And the blood sacrifice won’t be necessary. Not until the third meal,” she says with a playful wink.
We enter the foyer, and I crane my neck back to admire the enormous chandelier dripping with black and clear diamonds. We climb the imperial staircase and weave through hallway after hallway. I slow her down as I examine every painting hanging on the walls and ask questions about them. It isn’t until we reach a pair of black doors with snarling gargoyle heads carved into the wood that I fall quiet except for one question.
“Is this your father’s office?”
She lifts her fist, wiggles her eyebrows at me, and knocks. A muffled command comes from inside, and she opens the door. The chance to show my nervousness is over. From here on out, I am the man who has vowed to be Desi’s eternal partner.
The king’s study might be the closest depiction to what I pictured when Desi told me where she was from. The skulls of countless creatures act as bookends on the floor-to-ceiling bookcases, and I can’t help but wonder if Desi’s father has some sort of fixation with biology or anatomy and physiology. A fire burns in the onyx fireplace and mounted above the mantle is the stuffed head of some vicious-looking creature that I cannot identify. The room is terrifying, but it doesn’t compare to the being sitting behind an ebony desk in a high-backed chair.
Desi’s father is a beast, but not like the demons with sharp teeth and scaled skin roaming the halls of the palace. No. The ruler of Infernis is every blue-blooded man’s worst nightmare when meeting a girl’s dad. He is the biker gang leader, the Mafia crime lord, the overprotective father who will break every bone in my body if I hurt his little girl. He wears fighting leathers and a crown of bones rests on his shiny, bald head. He gazes at me with a murky green stare, assessing me from head to toe.
Desi urges me forward, saying, “Father, it’s good to see you.”
“Desideria, I’m pleased you’re here, and not alone.”
I freeze, fixated on the giant ax sitting in the center of his desk like a menacing paperweight.
Desi nudges me, breaking my trance. I lock eyes with her, and my heart stutters and restarts in my chest when I see the adoring, loving expression on her face. “It’s good to be home, and I am especially happy to introduce you to Jace Wilder, my boyfriend.” She says the words with such confidence, they roll off her tongue so easily, that I have to remind myself that this isn’t real.
“Jace,” the king of Demons says, extending his hand.
I tap into that reassurance Desi gives me with her touch and extend my hand, my fingers trembling. “Mister . . . Your Majesty . . . Lord . . .”
So much for playing it cool.
“Chaos. You may call me Chaos.”
I finally make contact with his palm and my face is on fire. “It’s nice to meet you, Chaos.”
“You as well. I’ve had your room readied for you, and your luggage should already be there. Go ahead and get freshened up, I have a big day planned for us. My wife and I will take you and Desi to visit her Circle today. The boys will be here for dinner with their partners. I’m sure they’ll get rowdy as they always do.” He releases my hand from his iron hold, and I flex my fingers to get the blood moving again. “Desi, I was thinking you could spend tomorrow showing Jace your favorite spots in Infernis and let him get acclimated to the way demons do things.”
“That sounds like a plan to me,” Desi agrees, then looks at me. “What do you think?”
I give her an enthusiastic nod. “I’m ready to see more of this place already. The small amount of architecture I saw during the ride here was so diverse. The planning sessions for them must have been intense,” I muse, sharing the thing that has intrigued me the most since arriving in this realm.
Desi laughs. “Jace is a graphic designer, so he’s enthralled with all things art and design related.”
Chaos raises a dark brow. “Well, he’s in for a treat, then. We’ll head out and show Jace more once you’re both settled.”
“All right. Ready, handsome?” Desi asks.
“Absolutely. Again, sir, it was great to meet you, and I can’t wait to see more of your realm.”
Chaos nods his dismissal and we leave his study. As soon as the doors shut behind us, I let out a huge breath. Desi grins, placing her hands on my biceps.