Page 37 of Unleashing Chaos

“Just think of us as your friendly guides to selecting the perfect afterlife for your energy.”

“But if you don’t find a partner then there might not be a place for the lazy energies to live out their eternity.”

“You catch on quick,” I say with a wink.

“All right, guess we need to get to work finding you a man to drag kicking and screaming to hell with you.”

“Very funny,” I say.

His smile fades, and he gets that disconnected look again. It’s almost like his brain leaves for a few seconds. All the information I just gave him is a lot, and I worry he’s going into shock again. In a matter of minutes, I’ve changed the universe as he knows it. I wonder if he regrets knowing what happens when his body and mind die.

He returns from his thoughts and locks eyes with me. “You’re right. This is a lot for me to take in. Be patient with me as I navigate this, Desi. I’m sure I’m going to say the wrong things. I’ve had my near run-in with the other side, and I’ve got to admit that I’m a little freaked out about having it so close to home again. No pun intended.”

“The car accident you mentioned earlier,” I say, leaning against the counter next to where he stands. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“There isn’t much to say.” He walks to the refrigerator and removes a bottle of water. After taking a long chug, he continues. “I was driving behind a truck that was carrying metal piping. The company didn’t secure it well and when the driver slammed on his brakes, the strap broke. A pipe flew through my windshield, sliced right through my chest, and went out of my back next to my spine. It nicked my lung, I spent almost four weeks in a coma, and with the damage to my nerves, the doctor thought there was a good chance I wouldn’t walk again. I should have walked away with millions from my lawsuit—been set for life—but the guy with the most money is usually the winner. And that wasn’t me. After paying the attorneys and medical bills, I had just enough from the settlement to pay off my student loans, buy my extremely safe BMW, and put a little into savings before getting Aftermath off the ground.”

I’m speechless as I picture the scar on his chest. To think of Jace being in such a dire medical situation makes me feel uneasy. He’s always so controlled, so put together; to know he almost didn’t make it doesn’t even seem possible. “That’s terrifying. I don’t blame you for not wanting another brush with death. But I can promise you this: I’m not here to hurt you, and I have zero say in when a human’s energy goes to the ‘other side.’ Neither does my father. Do you trust me?”

He leans back on the counter and crosses his arms. The way he examines me makes me fidget side to side, much like the water bottle dangling from his fingers. I watch it brush back and forth against his ribs until he says, “I trust you.”

I didn’t realize how worried I’d been that he was going to kick me to the curb until he uttered those words, and I exhale in relief. “Thank you.” I glance at the TV. “I don’t know about you, but I’m wired. Do you want to watch TV with me? I don’t think I could go to sleep now if I tried.”

“You aren’t going to turn me into some nocturnal ghoul, are you? I enjoy my early morning workouts.”

I smirk and roll my eyes. “I’ll try not to. The world might crash down on me if I disrupt your routine.”

“It might. It’s an important routine,” he says with a sly grin.

After everything he went through tonight, I have a feeling that there’s a lot of truth behind those words. I’m starting to understand his constant need for order. A little bit of control when you feel like everything is falling apart is important.

“You pick the movie while I run upstairs to change.” He takes the steps two at a time then pauses. “And Desi?”

“Yes, Jace?”

“Don’t pick something too sappy.”



There is something comforting about finally finding my normal with my roommates. We move around the kitchen, each taking a task to hurry along cleanup after dinner. No bickering about who has the easier job or trying to weasel our way out of the chore. Jace stands at the sink, loading the plates into the dishwasher while Cannon wipes down the counters. I’m packing the leftover pizza into glass containers. I like when we fall into a natural groove like this.

Cannon moves beside me, running a wet dish cloth in circles over the granite. “Pardon me. I just need—” He presses his front to my back, maneuvering around me as he continues to clean.

“You just need me to move,” I say with a laugh.

“Nah. I’m happy to have you in my way. It gives me an excuse to get close to you.”

I look at him over my shoulder, meeting the playfulness in his eyes. “You just spent an entire meal rubbing shoulders with me.”

“True, but I kind of like you trapped like this.”

Cannon’s words warm low in my stomach. He has never shied away from a chance to flirt, but my body reacts in a new way with him this close.

“Then by all means,” I say, turning back to the counter and finishing my task, lowering my gaze to the granite with a smirk. “Trap away. I’m one hundred percent willing to be caught.”

“So I’ve heard.” He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and continues on his way.