Page 4 of Unleashing Chaos

My eyebrow dips and I push my hands into my back pockets. “What are you saying? You don’t think you’d be safe around me? Or you don’t think I’d be safe around you? Because trust me, I can hold my own. And I’d never hurt anyone.” I shake off the embarrassment and clear my throat. “Regardless, I got here first, so I think it’s only fair that I get the chance to have the room.”

Cannon speaks up then. “But I called first. So I think that gives me first dibs.”

“Dibs? What are we, five?”


Glen steps in and holds up a hand to silence us both. “Hang on. Stop.” He looks at Jace and says, “Man, you’re telling me you don’t have two free rooms in this house? Think about it, you could have double the extra cash. Because trust me, this girl right here is not going to give in.”

Jace stares at Cannon’s Italian leather boots lying haphazardly on the floor, but he doesn’t answer Glen’s question. “I’ll take you both on a tour and explain the house rules. If one of you still wants to move in, we’ll discuss it from there.”

I grin and silently thank my mother for teaching me to always put my belongings away neatly. It might just help me out in this case. “Okay, sounds good to me,” I say, clasping my hands in front of me. “Mandis, Glen, stay here, and we’ll be back, okay?”

Mandis raises an eyebrow. “Sis, you might want to rein in your bossy side until the guy lets you sign the lease, yeah?”

I roll my eyes and discreetly give him a vulgar hand gesture.

“Ready?” Jace asks, and Cannon and I both nod.

Jace takes a moment to eye my brother and his husband like he’s not sure if they’ll stay put. He must notice they look too exhausted to rifle through his home because he leaves them alone and leads us into the kitchen. There isn’t a white appliance in sight. It’s perfect. I run my hand over the shiny granite countertops while eyeing the dark-brown cabinets and the stovetop built into the island in the middle of the room. From here I can see right into the living room, making it a perfect space for entertaining friends and family while cooking.

Jace points to the barstools and says, “Obviously, you can eat in here, but all dishes need to be placed in the dishwasher. If it’s full, start it, and if everything in it is clean, put it away. I’m not picky about the food situation; just contribute and let me know if you take the last of something.”

With a quick nod, I say, “Absolutely. No problem. I’d even do the grocery shopping if you needed me to. I’d contribute monetarily, in any way at all. I can promise you I’d be the model roommate.” I hold my breath in anticipation of his answer; if I have to look at one more potential home today, I might just give up and let my father promise me to a demon.

“Noted,” he says, before continuing his tour.

I don’t see so much as a speck of dust on the wooden floor as we move through the open floorplan and into the living room. The only thing out of place is a game controller on the plush gray couch. The fireplace on the main wall is constructed of simple lines, and a stack of wood burns in the center. The high ceilings and windows make the room spacious yet cozy.

“All your belongings would need to stay in your room. No kicking off your shoes and leaving them in the middle of the floor. You can bring a blanket in here to watch television, but I expect it to be put away and the pillows on the couch straightened when you’re done.”

“That’s not a problem. I appreciate a clean house,” I say.

“Me too,” Cannon pipes up, and I give him a dubious look. Anyone who really appreciated a clean house to the same degree as Jace would have never left their shoes in the middle of the floor.

Not that I’m concerned with being that neat myself. This house looks like it’s barely been lived in. But with my powers, I can keep a house this clean with zero issues. As long as no one’s looking.

“Dude, is that the new Spider-Man game you’re playing?” Cannon asks, wandering over to pick up the case on the coffee table.

“Yeah, I just picked it up last night.”

“I’m jealous. I was going to grab my copy yesterday but I had to work late. My job keeps me busy most of the time. Whenever I get a minute, I have my PlayStation controller in my hand.”

The pair of them carry on a conversation that’s like some secret code. They talk about graphics and movies and games they’re looking forward to. I’m at a complete loss and feel my opportunity slipping through my fingers. I’m going to be booted for my lack of knowledge about human geek culture.

This isn’t fair. Just because I don’t know about spiders that turn into men or men who turn into spiders or whatever the hell it is they’re talking about doesn’t mean that I don’t deserve a chance to move into this house that would be perfect for me.

I think about interrupting with a question or two to join the conversation, but I don’t know where to start. So I just butt in to remind them of my existence.

“Hey, guys, I don’t mean to interrupt, but can we continue the tour? I’d like to see the bedroom . . .”

The men stop talking, both looking a tad embarrassed for getting caught up in their own thing and forgetting I’m here. Jace clears his throat and says, “Yeah. If you’ll both follow me upstairs, I’ll show you the room.”

Cannon and I walk a few steps behind, and he leans in and whispers, “You are diabolical. That conversation was my in.”

I glance at him with a wink and murmur, “A little, but a girl has to do what she has to do. I’m going to get one of those rooms. No matter what. Maybe he’ll take mercy on you and give you the other, but this body will be in one of these beds tonight. I can promise you that.”

“If he isn’t ensnared by your evil scheme, I’d be happy to have you in my bed tonight.”