Jace’s hair is combed away from his face, and he’s not wearing his black-rimmed glasses. The men carry on a conversation while he nurses a beer, disengaged from the discussion. Gathering my courage, I sneak up behind him and trail my fingers along his shoulder and across his back.
“Hey, baby, fancy meeting you here,” I murmur.
He spins around in his seat and his stubble-covered jaw goes slack. His slate-gray eyes sweep over me from head to toe. This time I don’t have to ask him what he thinks about my dress; it’s clearly doing its part. “Desideria, I thought—”
“My plans fell through, and now I get to be exactly where I want to be tonight.”
He opens and closes his mouth before shaking his head like he’s clearing the cobwebs out of it. “Gentlemen, if you’ll excuse me,” he says, standing and looping my arm in his. “What are you doing here?”
“What do you mean, what am I doing here?” I ask sweetly, running my palm up and down his arm. “I’m your girlfriend, how could I miss this?”
“The jeans weren’t meant to bribe you. I really am sorry that I lost it on you the other day. It was a dick move, and I wanted to replace what I ruined. I told you before that you didn’t have to come tonight, and I meant it. You don’t need to fake that you’re my girlfriend.”
I take his hand and tug him out to the dance floor, folding myself in his arms and gazing up at his face. “Thank you for the jeans. I didn’t think they were a bribe, I thought they were a sweet gesture and a heartfelt apology.” I adjust so we are in a more traditional dancing position, and his hand slides to my waist as I settle my arms around his neck. “And as far as ‘faking’ being your girlfriend, I guess you’re an okay guy some of the time, so it won’t be that hard to do. Plus, I said I’d help you, and I intend to keep my word.”
Jace falls silent and grips my waist tighter. “I don’t deserve it after the way I reacted. Thank you.”
Before I have a chance to reply, he takes my hand, lifting it over my head, and sends me into a spin. When I’m back in his arms, he leads me in a smooth box step to the beat of the seven-piece orchestra. I wasn’t expecting him to actually be able to dance. Cannon acted like dancing was some kind of plague to be avoided at all costs. Being less outgoing than Cannon, I assumed Jace would feel the same, but once again, he surprises me.
“Where did you learn to dance like this?” I ask. “I thought I was a decent dancer, but you make me look like a toddler on wobbly legs.”
He laughs and the sound vibrates through me. I haven’t heard that sound nearly enough. I like it. Judging by the goosebumps on my arms and the sudden ache between my legs, I like it a little too much. I force the sensation away and focus my attention on him.
“My mother owned a dance studio in Colorado Springs. I spent my summers helping her with classes. A lot of the time there wasn’t a boy to dance with the girls, so I got volunteered.”
The image of a younger version of Jace being told to dance with random girls for the purpose of teaching lessons makes me smile. “That’s pretty cute,” I say as he twirls me around the dance floor.
I’m so lost in thought and distracted by my body’s reaction to his proximity that it takes me far too long to notice that no one else is dancing. Instead, a large group has gathered to watch us.
“Oh shit,” I mutter between clenched teeth, my face flaming. “Everyone is watching us.”
Jace glances around and cocks a brow. “Not us, you.” I sweep my gaze over the delighted faces studying us and open my mouth to tell him he’s exaggerating, but he continues talking. “I can’t deny that there’s something otherworldly about you. The magical glow of your eyes, your striking red hair, and Cannon was right, you do look stunning in this dress.”
I’m surprised. Not just surprised but floored. All those nights ago when I thought he wasn’t really paying attention, he was. It appears my dress had made an impression on him, and it’s doing the same thing tonight. I should pat myself on the back for finding the courage to wear it again. I almost bypassed it for something more muted, but I threw caution to the wind and snatched it from my closet.
“You know no one can hear us, right? You don’t have to lay it on quite so thick,” I say, keeping a smile on my face.
“I’m not. This is my moment of truth with you. Let me have it.”
I swallow and say, “Okay. I will. And thank you.”
As we continue to move around the dance floor, I can’t ignore the warmth radiating from him or the hard muscles under his crisp white shirt or the way his slacks hug his legs. Everything from the way his suit fits to the innocent brush of his hand on my lower back reminds me that the last time we were this close was during a highly charged moment—we exchanged heated words, we invaded each other’s personal space, and we almost kissed. Our lips brushed—soft, rosy lips that are now right in my line of sight. A mouth that has piqued my curiosity. Can Jace Wilder kiss as well as he dances?
The song ends and the crowd erupts in applause. I step out of the circle of Jace’s arms and shove my renegade thoughts into the dark corner of my mind. I slam the door shut on them and double lock it. It is one thing to admire Jace’s body, although that was a creepy accident, and another to imagine kissing him. It’s a line I don’t believe he wants to cross with me, no matter how much he stares at me while eating cereal.
Jace and I both give our audience shy smiles and move to exit the floor.
He leans into me and whispers, “I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll be here.” An upbeat song I love starts playing and I sway my hips to the beat as everyone else moves back out. “Right here, dancing!”
He nods once before rushing off in the direction of the bathroom, leaving me to wonder if I did something wrong.
But instead of stressing about it, I just close my eyes and let the music sweep me away.