My skin flushes and I reach up to capture his fingers with mine. “A time or two. But I wouldn’t mind hearing it again.”
“I like being around you, Desi. It doesn’t matter what we do, just being in your presence is enough. Watching movies, eating dinner, shooting arrows into fake Jace’s junk, it’s all fun.”
He’s right; it is fun. Hanging out with Cannon is like spending the day with my best friend. It’s comfortable and easy. We can talk about anything or nothing at all and never have an awkward moment. It’s been a while since I felt that way around someone.
“I know what you mean,” I say, taking a seat on the bench against the wall and resting the bow between my knees. Cannon sits down beside me and places his hand on my leg, his thumb moving in comforting circles. “You like hanging out with me better than Jace?” I lean into him, shoving his shoulder playfully.
He rolls his eyes, seeing my question for what it is. I’m feeling a little down after my fight with Jace, and I just need to know that what went on between us isn’t because I’m unlikeable. It’s stupid and childish, but I can’t help feeling that way.
“You and Jace aren’t on the same playing field. In fact, you two are very different pastimes. He’s LARPing, and you’re ice skating, with tight outfits and extremely entertaining maneuvers. Both are fun to watch and keep me intrigued.”
“It’s people in costumes pretending—it’s nerdy, very nerdy.”
“So I’m just not as nerdy as he is?” I tilt my head back and forth. “I guess I can go with that.” I sigh and lay my head on his shoulder. “I just wish he weren’t so angry all the time, ya know? There have been a few times when we’ve all gotten along so well, and I’ve had so much fun with both of you. I wish it could be like that all the time.”
He stretches his neck so he can see my face. “Is that a hint of longing I hear? I’d almost venture to say you like Jace more than you’re letting on.”
I chew the inside of my cheek as my face heats. “I—well, that didn’t really come out right. I didn’t mean, like, in that way. I just meant—”
“He is good looking,”
“You’re good looking.”
“He owns a business and drives a BMW.”
I flick my wrist at him and shake my head. “Not that either of those things matter, but you drive a pretty killer Lexus.”
“He watches you whenever he’s eating that sugary cereal he loves.”
“Peanut butter puffs.” I jerk my head away from his shoulder. “I know because he asks me to buy them whenever I go to the grocery store.”
Cannon hums and crosses his arms. “I get it, Desi. Like I told you from the very beginning, he’s been hurt. I understand not wanting to get involved with his personal turmoil, but it doesn’t mean you’re not attracted to him.”
I’m still stuck on what Cannon said. He watches you whenever he’s eating that sugary cereal he loves.
“What do you mean?” I blurt, unable to stop myself. “What do you mean, he watches me? I’m not just going to let you speed right past that one.”
“I mean, maybe he freaks out on you because he’s scared to like you. Maybe Jace Wilder is just as confused about you as you are about him.”
No way is Jace conflicted about me. We spend too much time driving each other up the wall. He’s organization and healthy foods and caution. I’m chaos. He didn’t even want me to move into his house. I begged him until he couldn’t say no.
“And what about you?” I ask. “How do you feel about all of this?”
He licks his lips and pivots his body toward mine. “I like you, Desi. A lot. But I understand that dating is new to you. I’m not looking to make you choose. You do what makes you happy. If you like spending time with me like this, then let’s continue to do it. And if you decide you want to take things further, know I’m a willing participant.”
Is it really that simple? After all the terrible dates, men standing me up, the run-in with Patrick at the club, Cannon is willing to just let me run the show? Let me make the decisions? Maybe this dating thing isn’t so hard after all.
“Okay. That’s fair.” My stomach rumbles, and I place my hand over it with a giggle. “But right now, can we go get food? I’m starved.”
“Deal. Let’s go find some fried pickles.”
I lean back in the lounger and take a sip of my wine. The trees surrounding Jace’s backyard wear half their leaves in burnt orange. The other half litter the ground or blow in the late fall breeze. Today will be one of the last days to comfortably sit outside and watch the sun set. It won’t be long before the mornings are frosty and snow covers the ground. It will be like the chill I’ve felt from Jace over the past week. We haven’t spoken more than a few words, most of which are Can you get cereal at the store? or Please turn down the TV. And to make things more awkward, Cannon has been in and out of town for business, so our buffer is gone.