She grins and I know, even though I can’t see them, her eyes are twinkling. “That’s Queen Impatient to you, my king.”
I squeeze her inner thigh and she squirms in her seat. “I still love hearing you call me that.”
“Good, because you’re going to hear it for an eternity.”
I still don’t think she has any idea how happy I am that I burst through those doors that day, outran those two occisor demons through the sheer power of adrenaline, and made sure that would be the case.
It isn’t until we reach the destination that I’m brought back to the present by Desi’s sharp inhale.
“You’re slowing down. We’re here, aren’t we?”
Her wide smile is rounding her cheeks so much that they’re practically begging for my lips to brush against one, to place a kiss on her soft skin and hold her close to me for a moment. I’ve never felt so at peace before in my whole life. And to know it’ll be this way forever—I’m overwhelmed, and it’s so nice that here, in Infernis, it can also be the good kind of overwhelmed.
“I love you, Desideria. I just—I want you to know that.”
She tilts her head to the side and turns to face me, pressing her forehead to mine. “I do, silly. Always.”
“Good. Don’t move, I’m coming to help you.”
I hop out of the car and rush around to her side, helping her out and hooking her arm with mine. Our steps click on the stone under our feet, and when the door creaks open, I move in behind her, placing my hand on the small of her back, ushering us a few steps forward.
Resting my chin on her shoulder, I wrap my arms around her waist. I take a final look at what I’ve worked so hard to create. Not a thing is out of place, yet my stomach still flips as if it is competing for a gold medal in gymnastics. I breathe through my nerves and say, “I know you don’t dread the commute from the capital to our Circle, but I thought it was time we had somewhere to call our own.”
“Jace, you didn’t—” she starts, her body trembling against me.
I reach up, untie the blindfold, and let it fall away. Her shocked gasp and widened eyes when she glances back at me say it all.
“Jace . . . it’s just like our old house,” she whispers, taking in all the details. “Everything is here. The kitchen island, the TV, you even bought a blanket just like my old one. It’s all the same . . . you redesigned it.” She turns in my arms and looks up at me, with tears shining in her brilliant emerald eyes.
“I did, and all the furnishings are actually from the old house. Since I turned my share of the business over to Edmonds and helped Matt hire a new designer to take my place, I thought it was time to let it go and only focus on creating a life with you.”
Desi’s eyebrows knit together, and she gnaws on her bottom lip. “That house was the last thing that tied you to the human realm. Are you sure about this?”
It amazes me that this beautiful, intelligent being matches my love for her. Despite her lazy nature, she would go to any length to ensure my happiness. It’s a wonderful feeling to know I am the center of her world. And she is solely the center of mine.
“The only other thing I’ve been surer of was the day I passed through that portal and knew I was giving up my human life for you. This is what I want.”
“All right, but don’t you think this house is too big for just the two of us? Maybe we should advertise for a roommate,” she jokes.
“Absolutely not.” I tip her chin up until we are eye to eye. “You know, the reason I put the ad out for a roommate wasn’t so much to take the financial pressure off me as I started the business. I was tired of being alone and haunted by thoughts of Hannah and my accident. I wanted to make new memories in that house and for it to feel like my home again. The moment you set foot inside, everything changed. I laughed more, opened myself up to new friendships, and wanted more than a successful business. My house was filled with love and happiness because of you.”
A whimper escapes her. She stands on her tiptoes and presses her lips to mine. “Jace Wilder, before I met you, I had this warped, black and white image of who I was. I thought I needed organization and someone to offset my chaos. You give me that calm I was thirsty for, but you also taught me that my chaos has its own brand of beauty.” She slides her hands up my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck. “I love chaotic me with you. It feels right.”
“It sounds like you found your home too.”
“I did.”
I press my lips to hers again. It doesn’t matter if it’s this realm or another, this house or a castle. Wherever Desi is, it’s the place where my heart finds joy.
With bright smiles we pull away from each other, and I turn to the pantry, taking out a box of cereal. “Shall we christen the house with a bowl of peanut butter puffs?”
“I can’t say no to that,” she says, hurrying to the cabinet next to the sink. “I get—” She swings open the door and freezes, staring at all the cups turned upside down. “You put the cups in the right way.”
I shake my head when she spins around with disbelief written all over her face. My new favorite expression of hers just might be surprise—her parted lips and eyelashes fanning the tops of her cheeks.
“I put them in the wrong way because I’m ready to give up a little control and surrender to the chaos,” I say, placing the box and milk carton on the counter.
A smile spreads over her face as she curls her index finger at the bowls. They float out of the cabinet and come to rest side by side in front of me. Before I get the chance, she directs the cereal box to open. Sweet, round puffs fill the bowls, and the milk pours over them.
“Well, in that case, maybe I’ll try to be less lazy, and, uh . . . not use my powers to do my chores every day.”
I snort and grab two spoons from the drawer, handing her one. “No, you won’t. But that’s okay, little hurricane. I wouldn’t have your chaos any other way.”