Page 122 of Unleashing Chaos

I rush forward with my father and brothers, but Angelo’s snarled words stop us.

“Touch me and we’ll both find our final rest in the Perpetual Torment. I hear it’s even worse for a human energy—the silence, the disconnect from all other beings. Don’t make that his fate.”

I continue forward but then Glen and Mandis are on either side of me, hanging on to each of my arms. “Don’t move, Desi. You know he’ll do it. This is a desperate angel we’re dealing with,” Mandis whispers, his usual sarcastic tone absent.

Rage bubbles inside me and hot tears fill my eyes. “We have to stop him.” The idea of losing Jace again, and to the Perpetual Torment no less, makes my entire body shake with horror.

My heart is pounding against my rib cage, and Angelo is so close to me that I could shove him over myself. But it’s too risky. His grip on Jace is firm, and Jace would end up going too, and I could never forgive myself.

“Desideria, stay back. Please,” Jace chokes out.

Angelo turns to me. “You heard your king,” he says, the last word dripping with sarcasm. “Don’t put yourself in this, sweetheart. You’ll be sorry.”

Cannon moves beside me and rubs his shoulder to mine. He quietly says, “It’ll be all right. My father doesn’t want to give up his crown. Let Dex judge us, Desi. It’s the only way to ensure Jace’s safety.”

I turn to him and meet his eyes. “What if your father pushes Jace over the edge before she has her say? Look at him, he’s lost his mind!”

“Stop this nonsense! This is my courtroom not some damned wrestling ring. Get up. Before I sentence everyone in this room to the Perpetual Torment!” Dex’s command halts all sound, and I breathe a sigh of relief as Angelo’s hands loosen on Jace’s neck.

Angelo stands, yanking Jace up with him. Neither of them moves far from the edge of the hole, doing little to calm my nerves. I won’t be happy until I can hold Jace’s hand in mine and know he’s safe. He hasn’t gone through the transition into immortality yet. Angelo could still end him without shoving him into the void.

“Never in my existence have I seen such a debacle in my courtroom. And I’ve dealt with my fair share of archaic rulers. What should have been a good-natured bet between rivals has spun out of control and put more than one realm in peril today. I should punish the lot of you,” Dex says, dragging her gaze over each of us.

The room is eerily quiet. I’m not sure anyone is breathing anymore until the telltale crinkle of plastic draws my attention. Glen fumbles with a round chocolate cake, fighting to open it. I inch closer to him to put a stop to what sounds like a swarm of bees buzzing around us during this serious moment. We might all be tossed into the hole, and his insatiable sweet tooth could be what drives Dex to make that call.

Dex carries on chastising us for our behavior, either not hearing the racket or choosing to ignore it. “Cannon, I’m disappointed that you allowed yourself to become a pawn in this ridiculous bet. You used deceit to worm your way in with not only Desideria, but Jace Wilder as well. Angels and demons do not resort to these means. Your calling is to guide humans with truth.”

“Glen,” I growl out through clenched teeth.

He glances at me and clutches his snack for dear life. Taking a step away from me, he continues pulling on the wrapper.

“But I understand your desire to please your father,” Dex continues. “As an angel under his command, it is your duty to act upon his wishes. I believe you meant the demon realm no harm. In the future, I suggest you educate yourself on the realms and what might destroy their perfect balance. I would also suggest you educate the other angels in your realm. All of them need to understand the consequences of their actions.”

“Yes, Your Honor,” Cannon says, bowing his head.


I reach for the chocolate snack cake, and Glen moves to the side, furiously ripping it open. His elbow shoots back, jamming Angelo in the side. The king of Angels stumbles and reaches for Jace, but he jumps away from the side of the chasm. Glen turns with wide eyes and holds his cake to his massive chest. With flailing arms, Angelo falls into nothingness.

The entire room gapes at Glen.

He throws his arms to the side and says, “Sorry, I’m a nervous eater!” He looks over the ledge into the vast pool of blinding light and takes a bite of his cake. “That’s sort of a tragedy.”

If I weren’t so scared for Glen’s fate, I would laugh. But Dex hasn’t announced her punishment yet, and Glen quite literally sent Angelo into the void. I don’t have time to think for long because Jace rushes to me and folds me in his arms, and I tangle myself around him, breathing in his scent and convincing myself that he’s really here. “Jace, you’re okay,” I murmur against his chest.

“I’m kind of feeling like a superhero after that.”

“Too bad the same can’t be said for Glen.” I watch as he gingerly takes another bite of the cake, afraid it will be the last thing he ever eats.

Dex releases a long breath and tosses her hands in the air. “I guess that saves me from another long speech about inappropriate behavior. I was sentencing him to the Perpetual Torment anyway.” She turns her focus to Cannon. “Congratulations, you’re the new ruler of Pax. Please make better decisions than your father and stay away from the drugs.”

My jaw unhinges, and everyone’s heads snap toward Cannon. “Cannon!” I exclaim. “You—you’re king!”

Cannon’s eyes widen and a litany of emotions rush over his face—the sting of betrayal, grief at losing his father, shock at Dex’s proclamation, relief that we know he was telling the truth, and joy that he’s now the king of his realm.

“I—thank you, Your Honor,” he says with a bow. “I vow to keep Pax guarded and to teach the angels everything they should know about the three realms. I know I have a lot to learn, and I swear I’ll do just that.”

Dex nods once and bangs her gavel. “Very well. Now, go so I can return to binge watching trashy human television and finishing my jewel art of a kitten wrapped in yarn.”