Page 118 of Unleashing Chaos

I glare at my brother and say to my father, “What are we going to do?” I run the back of my hand over my forehead and lean back against Jace for support, my head spinning again. “Whether or not you believe him, we have to get him out of here before we all drop dead or melt or whatever the hell happens when an angel stays here for too long. I’m starting to feel really off.”

“It is not our call to make,” my father says, and his gaze cuts to Cannon. “Detain him.”

Fear sweeps over Cannon’s features. I’m not sure if it’s his presence in Infernis or a hint of sympathy, but my stomach roils. I’ve spent hours upon hours with Cannon, and either he’s a great actor or he’s telling the truth. Other than his purpose for appearing at Jace’s the moment I did, he’s always been candid with me. It’s hard for me to believe everything about our friendship was fake.

“What are you going to do to him?” I ask.

“This is a matter for Dex to judge. Take him to the portal.”

The guards yank Cannon forward, and he twists his head and mouths I’m sorry to me. I wish I could know for sure if he’s telling the truth. Thankfully, that isn’t my call to make.



I’m swallowing the devil’s claw root pill my mom handed me before we left the throne room, hoping that it works like it did for Jace when he left Infernis the last time he was here, when he finally speaks.

“Um, Desi?”

I look over at Jace as we walk toward the carriages my father had rushed around to the front of the palace. I cling to his hand, scared if I let go he’ll disappear, and with the other, I fumble with my dress, nearly tripping on the train every other step.

I can’t explain the feeling of relief I get every time I look over and realize that he’s here, with me. Somehow, miraculously, I have a second chance. I don’t know how, or what’s going to happen next, but I know that I’m happier with him here than I was without him.


“Where are we going?” he asks as he picks up my train, clearing it from the path of my stilettos.

“Thank you,” I say, flashing him a smile before continuing. “Dex’s court. She’s the one who makes all the decisions for both angels and demons. She’s the final say, the judge for both Infernis and Pax.”

His face pales. “We have to take a portal? Oh. God, Desi, I almost didn’t make it through the last one. The medium from the human realm said I couldn’t come back . . . that I’d remain in Infernis forever.”

He doesn’t even trip over the word forever. It’s like it’s second nature to him to be with me in the same place for eternity. Did he really choose this existence, choose me? Or was he forced to come here to save us? I’m dizzy with the thought, so I push it aside.

“No, going to Dex’s court is different. It sits upon the In-Between. It’s not in any of the three realms. It’s neutral. Think of the In-Between as the border between Pax and Infernis. You’ll be fine.”

A look of relief passes over his face as we approach the carriages. “Oh, thank god.”

I grin as I look at the drivers for guidance. “Which carriage should we take? The one with my parents or my brothers?”

The driver gives me a knowing look. “Neither. Your mother arranged for your own carriage with Mr. Wilder.”

Jace and I exchange glances and a thrill runs through me, my cheeks, chest, and the space between my legs all heating at once. Only a day without Jace, and my body is reacting as if it’s wandered the desert for decades and just happened upon an oasis.

“How nice,” I say with a smirk, and Jace winks at me as we climb into the carriage.

I settle in next to the far window and watch as Jace steps inside. Instead of sitting on the bench opposite, he sits right next to me, our thighs flush against each other.

“Hi,” I whisper, drawing my bottom lip between my teeth.

“Fancy meeting you here,” he replies, and one corner of his lips tilts up.

I swing my knee toward his and bump him playfully. “Now that we have a moment alone, I—”

There are so many things I want to say . . . do . . . touch . . . but I don’t know where to start. I suddenly feel shy, and I know that’s idiotic, but I can’t help it.

I try again. “Now that we’re alone, I want to talk about . . . about what this really means, Jace. You came here. For me? You do realize what that means?”

“I know what it means. And I also know that I don’t deserve you after the way I treated you.” He looks away from me and his lips tense as his tongue swipes over his front teeth. A minute ticks by while he composes himself. Clearing his throat, he turns his attention to me again. “I hurt you. I assumed you were the same as my mother and Hannah, when you did nothing to justify that. I refused to believe you when you made your feelings for me clear, and I let my fear govern me. I’m so sorry for the way I treated you. And I understand if you need space and time to forgive me and figure out how I fit into your life.” He shrugs. “My mortality lies in your hands, but I’m hoping you will grant me all the time in the world to wait for you, Desideria.”