Page 92 of Unleashing Chaos

With all hands to oneself and the conversation back on track, we continue with our dinner. We talk about graphics, copyright, the dangers of AI, even movies and music, making sure to include Desi in every conversation. She especially impresses Bryce with her knowledge of Star Wars. A burst of pride fills me at that, and I wrap my arm around her and squeeze the back of her neck.

Finally, Matt waves the server over and asks for the check. While we wait, Bryce says, “I want to thank you both for bringing me on board. I can’t wait to get started and really show you what I bring to the table.”

I shake my head and say, “No, Bryce, I should thank you. It’s an honor to have someone of your talent as the first designer on my team. I know we’ll do great things together. You’re a major part of why this is getting to happen for me, and I’m thankful for it.”

It’s true. I may have dived into work as a way to drown painful memories, but I do love it. Art makes me happy in a way little else does. That is, until a few months ago when I met someone who calmed my nerves and cared about me even when I was acting my worst. That new source of happiness is something I can’t wait to drown in tonight.

Matt’s driver drops us off at the hotel, and I hold tight to Desi’s hand all the way through the revolving door and into the lobby, but as soon as we’re out of Matt’s sight, we both pull away as though our skin is burning.

It might actually be.

I try to clear my mind and will my heart to slow as we ride the elevator to our floor. I might as well be asking to fly on a spaceship and for Yoda to be real. I slide the key card into the lock and as soon as we walk over the threshold, we both start to speak.

“Jace, I—”


A nervous laugh escapes her. “You go first.”

“No, please,” I insist, taking my suit coat off and tossing it on the couch.

She takes a deep breath and drops her purse onto the bedside table. “I’m sorry if I initiated something at dinner that I shouldn’t have. I got a little out of control and that was probably really uncomfortable for you.”

I freeze while loosening my tie and say in a low voice, “You’ve got to be kidding me right now.”

“What do you mean?”

“You barely spread your legs to give me a little more room. I slid my hand all the way up to your panties and slipped my finger inside and licked said finger all at the dinner table. Now ask yourself again who was out of control,” I say, taking one step toward her. “I wanted to touch you, Desideria.”

Her chest is rising and falling with her rapid breaths, and all I want is to take her in my arms and kiss her until neither of us can breathe. “So much that you couldn’t stop yourself, even in public? Even in front of your new co-workers?” she asks, stepping toward me and taking her hair out of the bun she’d pulled it into, letting it fall over her shoulders.

“I’ve never claimed that I can resist you, Desi. I just agreed to respect your wishes while you did what you needed to do.” I slide my tie from around my neck and release the top two buttons of my shirt.

“Well, I’m done concentrating on that now. I’ve made my choices.”

I pause, my fingers going still at the buttons on my wrist. My heart flutters in my chest. I’m not dense. I was adding up all the flirtations happening between us today. What they equaled was clear. Slowly lifting my gaze, I whisper, “What are you saying, Desideria?”

“I’m saying fuck resisting it, Jace. I’m tired of fighting what I want. And I want you. All I want is you.”

I wait for her to take it back. For the moment when she says Wait, no, hold on, maybe we shouldn’t. Maybe it will hurt too much. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Jace. There’s no possible way this can work out the way we want, so why are we going to hurt ourselves? It’s for the best.

But it doesn’t come. She’s walking toward me, her gaze never leaving mine. I meet her in the middle of the room, finish removing my shirt, and let it drop to the floor. I grip the back of her neck and she cups my cheeks.

Without another moment’s breath, she rises to her tiptoes and pulls my face down to hers as she repeats my words from the first time I ever kissed her.

“Fuck it.”



My entire being sparks to life as our mouths press together in a hungry kiss. It’s been too long, and I’m starved for the taste of Jace. I’ve chased this feeling for weeks, wanting to feel the undying ache for more, the thought of attempting to lose myself to someone else. I knew it would be useless because no one can compare to him.

His hands drop to the zipper on my dress and he slides it down with ease, as if it wasn’t difficult to get up before I ate my weight in gourmet food. He slips the straps off my shoulders, and it falls to the floor. His stormy gaze takes in the black push-up bra and thong, still soaked from our escapade at dinner, and my black stilettos before he hisses with an appreciative tone that sends my heart into overdrive.

He lays me back on the bed, his mouth colliding with mine before kissing down my neck and across my collarbone. I run my hands over his cheeks and into his hair, lifting his face into my view. “Jace, I—I don’t want you to stop this time. Please.”

“You’re the only force that can stop me, Desideria. All you have to do is say the word. No questions asked.”