Page 86 of Unleashing Chaos

“Keep moving, princess. That’s us.”

I look over my shoulder at him, my eyes widening. I may have never been on a plane, but I know from movies and TV that first class is only for the elite. “First class? Really? Isn’t that expensive?”

He shrugs. “Yeah, but this is a special occasion and a reason to splurge a little. Besides, it’s your first time on a plane. I wanted you to have a good experience. The seats in first class are so much more comfortable, you get champagne, there’s more leg room, and you get a blanket.”

Warmth blooms in my chest. Jace paid extra for first class tickets just for me. I loop my arm in his and look up at him, leaning my head against his arm. “Thank you. That’s really sweet.”

We board the plane and take our seats. Jace is the epitome of relaxed, scrolling through his phone. I, on the other hand, am staring out the window and playing with all the gadgets around us. This exceeds my expectations. Or maybe it’s not truly the plane that has me in awe but the man sitting beside me. It’s incredible to me that just a few days ago I was letting him down gently, putting some space between us because I’m trying to protect my heart, essentially telling him it was “me, not him,” and now here we are in first class seats he bought just for me. Who does that?

He glances up from his phone and smiles. “Are you all right? Do you need anything before we take off?”

I chew the inside of my cheek and pretend that I wasn’t just thinking about how phenomenal he is. “No. I’m just a little scared. There isn’t a reason for planes when you have portals,” I say, wringing my hands in my lap and laying my head back against the headrest, letting my eyelids flutter closed.

Warm fingers slink beneath mine and curl around my thigh. I crack my eyes open and watch as Jace’s thumb rubs calming strokes against the outside of my leg. The gesture is innocent, but my body doesn’t see it that way. I fight the urge to inch my thighs apart and feel him touch me more intimately.

“As soon as we’re in the air, I’ll order you a drink,” he says, letting his fingertips travel up and down my inner thigh.

I swallow hard and nod. “Okay,” I whisper. “As long as you don’t stop doing what you’re doing right now, I’ll be good to go.” My voice is shaky and my heart beats hard against my rib cage. I could pretend it’s because I’m scared of takeoff, but that’s probably only 20 percent of my problem right now.

“I’m not going anywhere. Just talk to me to take your mind off the nerves and you’ll be fine.”

“I can’t think straight right now. You start the conversation.”

He chuckles and as he continues to draw circles with his thumb he says, “So did you make Cannon guess what Circle you’ll rule when you told him?”

“No. I just blurted it out.”

“What’s the fun in that? Make the man work for the information.”

“What Circle do you think he would have guessed?”

Jace taps his finger on my knee. “Lust.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask, raising one brow. “And why’s that?”

He leans in closer to me, bringing his mouth to my ear. “I know that’s the sin tempting me whenever I’m around you.”

I turn my face to his so our lips are inches apart. “Me too. We’ve barely started this trip and you’ve already got me wishing you’d use that blanket you were so excited about to cover our laps and really take my mind off the nerves,” I murmur, forgetting every line I’ve drawn, every wall I’ve tried to build.

“Is that what you really want, Desideria?”

Yes. No. Maybe. I’m treading close to forbidden territory, and I should know better. Jace is right; when we’re together I’m consumed by lust. So much so that a part of me wants to say forget the blanket and guide his hand between my legs. I want him to touch me, to make me feel all the things only he can. And when I’m done losing myself to his touch, I want to return the favor. The only thing that holds me back is that small voice of reason in the back of my head. As much as I want to ignore it, that voice is vital to my self-preservation right now.

“It’s a nice fantasy, like something I would read about in one of my steamy romances.” It’s the truth, but not the full truth. I give him just enough to keep the flirtation going.

He leans his head back and hums his approval. “I really need to skim through one of these books sometime.”

“Well, it’s your lucky day,” I say, reaching into my purse and pulling out the latest in the series I’ve been binge reading. “I just read a pretty sexy scene if you want to take a look.” I open the book to where my bookmark rests, right after a particularly spicy scene in which the two enemies just gave in and decided that they were done fighting and wanted to work out their aggression in a different way. Flipping back a few pages, I hand him the book. “Here ya go. Have a gander.”

As the flight attendants demonstrate the safety procedures, I watch Jace. More than once he runs his palm over his brow, wiping away the perspiration gathering there. The speed with which his gray eyes move across the page is impressive, like he’s devouring each word. I don’t miss the way he lingers on a sentence or two before shifting in his seat. I almost feel bad for handing him the book. Almost.

Jace’s expression keeps me entertained until we taxi onto the runway and the plane speeds down it. He’s glued to the pages well past our ascent. It’s not until the flight attendant stops at our row for our drink order that he sets the book down. On his lap. To cover the bulge pressing against his zipper.

“I’ll have a water, please.”

“A red wine,” I say, and when they leave, I turn to Jace. “Did that scene make you thirsty?”

“Among other things,” he says, sliding his hand between the book and his pants and adjusting himself.