With a deep breath, he opens his mouth to speak but stops, and a bashful smile tilts his lips up. I’m really intrigued now. Jace is embarrassed.
“Um . . . it was you.”
“What do you mean it was me? You were sporting that boner long before you knew I was watching.”
I didn’t think it was possible, but he turns another shade of red. “I got the boner while staring at a picture I took of you dancing that night.”
I’m stunned into silence for a moment, struggling to find my words. “Wait. You took a photo of me that night and—”
“It wasn’t a creepy picture. You had your arms up and that damn green dress was just clinging to every curve. I just planned to look at it once more and get ready for bed, but—”
I want to interrupt him before he can keep going, before he can work himself into a spiral of thinking he’d messed up, but I can’t even think fast enough to form a coherent sentence. Finally, I blurt, “No—no, I don’t mean it like that. I’m not creeped out, I—I’m just confused. I thought I was still just that irritating third wheel roommate you let move in because you didn’t want to argue. But you were taking pictures of me because you thought I looked beautiful?” Tears spring to my eyes at the thought.
“At what point during that night did you think I wanted you anywhere but in my arms? I had to excuse myself after dancing with you to catch my breath. Your mere presence changed my entire night. You made everything so much better . . . easier. And that’s not something I’m used to getting from another person. It overwhelmed me.”
I rest my forehead on his shoulder. “That is honestly the sweetest thing you could have said.”
“I’m glad you don’t want to have me arrested for being a Peeping Tom.”
It’s my turn to blush. “Well, I’d be quite the hypocrite if that were the case,” I mutter.
His eyes snap to mine. “What’d you say?”
I sigh and drop my legs from around his waist and disentangle my arms from his neck, standing to face him while I make what might be my most humiliating confession. “One night I was in bed, just minding my own damn business, trying to sleep, when you were freaking undressing in front of the window! I watched you. I just couldn’t look away. I watched you undress like a creep, and it was all I could do to keep my hand out of my panties while I did it,” I blurt, my words a long stream with basically no pause for breath. “I’m sorry.” I cover my face with my hands and let out a groan.
He moves my palms away and grins. The flash of his teeth and the glint in his eyes speak volumes. I just have no clue what is going to come out of his mouth. “I could have closed the curtains, Desi. You left yours open, so I did the same. It turns out I was just putting on performances for you longer than you were for me.”
I gape at him. “You knew I was watching you?”
“I had a feeling, or maybe it was wishful thinking. Either way, it was a rush.”
Warmth floods from my face to my core and I jump onto him, wrapping my legs back around his waist. “I’m glad I could give you that. Watching you certainly gave me one. So how many times did you see me naked?”
“Zero. I always looked away. I’d just watch you prancing around your room in your little thongs and bras. I didn’t want to go full blown creeper. That is until the other night when you invited me to the topless Desi show. Why? How many times did you see me naked?”
I blush at the thought of the skimpy nightclothes I wear in my room at night and meet his eyes as I drape my arms over his shoulders. “None. I swear. I’d never invade your privacy that way.”
“So just some innocent admiring in private moments on both our parts.”
“It sounds like it.”
“I’m not interested in innocently watching anymore.” He hooks his thumbs in my bikini bottoms. “Let me take these off.”
My breath catches and I lean back to better see his face. “Please. But can I—” I untangle my legs from around his waist and stand in front of him, running my hands down his abdomen. “Can I take these off too?” I ask, dipping my fingers under his waistband.
“Fair is fair.”
He helps me out of my bottoms and tosses them onto the deck of the pool. I follow his lead until we both stand in front of each other naked. I can make out hints of his body through the water. As the lights merge from one hue to the next, I sometimes get a better glimpse. It’s enough for where we are in this thing we have going, yet it’s not enough at all.
I drag my eyes back up to his face and push that stubborn strand of hair off his forehead again. “How is it possible that you are a human and yet so perfect, and I’m a freaking immortal demon princess and so imperfect?”
His lips form a firm line, and he shakes his head. “Nah. We’re not doing this tonight or any night after. This, you, are gorgeous and curvaceous and soft and sexy. I won’t accept anything else out of your mouth.”
I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face. “Yes, sir,” I say, sliding my hands around his waist and pressing myself against him. “Has anyone ever told you you’re extremely bossy?”