Page 55 of Unleashing Chaos

“That I might lose control and ravish you.”

I know he’s joking, but my breath still catches in my throat, and my gaze meets his. “And how do you know I wouldn’t welcome that?”

“You don’t want that, Desi. I have a track record of fucking and never calling a girl back for a second date. Nothing I can offer is romantic, or lasting, for that matter.”

I want to tell him that doesn’t sound anything like the man I know. He’s a reliable friend and passionate about his work. Hell, the man is even dedicated to his video games. But I don’t want to ruin what we have going on here. I like being this close to him, being in his arms like this.

So instead, I just say, “I’m not worried, Jace. All I want is to lie like this. It’s enough.”

His grip tightens on me, and he places a kiss on the top of my head. I soak up his body heat, letting it lull me to sleep. When I’m in that cozy place between awake and asleep, I swear Jace’s chest rumbles and he whispers, “I’m scared it won’t be enough for me.”



Fingers caress my temple, sliding curls away from my face. I savor the touch, keeping my eyes shut and remaining in my sleepy fog for a moment longer. I hate to think that if I inch my eyelids open, I’ll realize this is just a dream that feels real. It very well could be some cruel trick of my sleep-deprived imagination. I woke up several times during the night to make sure I was still wrapped in Jace’s arms. Every time I stroked my fingers down his chest, he grabbed them and held them to his heart.

Another featherlight touch traces the slope of my nose to the indentation above my lip. My heart flutters knowing he’s watching me while I sleep.

The way he touches me sends electric currents running through my veins, and I don’t know how much longer I can stay still. When his fingertips lower to my lips and trace the outline of my cupid’s bow, I can’t help it.

Our eyes meet, and the gray in his isn’t stormy, but warm and cozy.

“Good morning,” I rasp, biting my bottom lip shyly and releasing it as I search his face for what he’s feeling as he gazes down at me.

He pulls his fingers away, curling them into a fist. “Good morning. Sorry if I woke you up. You just looked so . . .”

I shake my head and put my hand on his, opening it and intertwining our fingers. “Don’t do that, don’t apologize. And please, finish your sentence. I looked so . . . ?” I offer him a smile that I hope tells him I’m truly curious and not making fun of him.

“You looked peaceful. The way your eyelashes rested on the tops of your cheeks and your lips puckered was innocent. It was like nothing bad plagues your dreams. I bet you dream about organizing cups the wrong way while floating on fluffy clouds.”

I scoff and shove him with my free hand. “I do not. Especially because I happen to organize the cups the correct way. But I did dream last night. About you.”

He quirks a brow. “Oh? What about?”

“Exactly where I want to take you on an adventure today. I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before now.”

“You dreamed about taking me on an adventure? Is this going to be the eighth circle where they pull out toenails and plunge hot pokers into eyes?”

I wiggle my eyebrows and tickle his ribs. “No, that’s where my dad is taking you before dinner tonight. This adventure is here. Within walking distance and everything. You want a hint?”

“Yeah. I’m intrigued.”

“It has to do with the thing you love the most.”

“Quiet afternoons and peanut butter puff cereal?”

I roll over and cross my arms on top of the cover. “Come on. Think a little harder. Although you could enjoy this thing on a quiet afternoon . . . and I suppose you could eat your peanut butter puffs while looking at it or designing it.”

“Digital art. Is your dad looking for someone to design the new neon sign to hell?”

“You are full of jokes this morning.”

He releases a long breath and looks up at the ceiling. “What can I say, I’m in a good mood. And now I’m eager to see what you have planned. Come on, little hurricane. It’s time to start my last day in this realm.”

My heart skips a beat at the term of endearment. I’ve never loved a nickname more in my life. “All right, give me a few minutes and I’ll be ready to go.”

Twenty minutes later I’ve showered, changed out of my pajamas and into a sundress, and Jace and I are walking down the cobblestone streets of the town square. Our fingers brush each other every so often, pulling my attention to him. He greets the variety of demons who acknowledge him—big, small, hairy, naked, terrifying, and humanlike, his interactions with them are no different than if they were beings from his realm. It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that many of the demons don’t realize he doesn’t belong among us.