Page 53 of Unleashing Chaos

Jace doesn’t so much as flinch under their scrutiny. He studies the two enormous Gothic paintings on the walls, while keeping a firm grasp on my hand. I wonder what he thinks of the art that pays tribute to our realm’s influence on bloody human wars, and the array of naked beings in compromising positions giving in to their carnal desires. I bet the seven deadly sins never felt as real as they do now. He is literally going to sit with the incarnation of them at the dinner table.

As my parents make their way to the head of the table, I study each member of my family. Tall, short, midsized, plus sized, slim, brawny, white, brown, Black, tailed, and without, my brothers’ eternal partners add spice to our family dynamic. Each chose a demon whose unwavering support will make them a strong lord over their Circle. Some bonded themselves with their best friend, and others found the love of their existence. But all of them are pure chaos.

“I can’t believe all of you are actually on time,” I say, tapping my fingernail on the table.

“Of course we are,” Avaros says, straightening his leather jacket over his bare, sculpted chest. “When Lux came back and told us how positively delicious your man was, we all wanted to be here to get a look as soon as possible.” His gaze travels up and down Jace’s form. “He wasn’t wrong. I would want to keep him for myself too.”

Jace’s cheeks and mine turn the same shade of red. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I mutter. “Please stop it.”

“Little sister is getting greedy,” he says, taking a long sip of wine.

“He’s just as delectable as I remember, Des,” Mandis chimes in.

Glen crosses his arms and pouts. “What about me?”

“Do not worry, my succulent little peach. I can gorge on both of you.”

“All right,” I say with a clap. “Let’s try to pretend we’re a normal family for just one meal.”

Jace meets the gaze of each of my brothers and says, “I’m flattered, but I think I already chose the sibling I like best.”

My lips turn up in a smile and I slide my hand into his under the table. “Yeah? Well, that works out because I’m pretty sure she kind of likes you too,” I say, leaning over and planting a kiss on his cheek, pushing back the fluttering wings in my belly.

“How many times have you bitched at me for showing affection at the dinner table?” Lux asks, while his wife’s long spiked tail slithers up to where the buttons are open on his shirt, stroking his exposed chest.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. “That’s because you and Bernadette would go for it in the middle of the table if someone didn’t stop you. I’d like my dinner without either of your bodily fluids involved, thank you.”

Jace chokes on his drink and pounds his fist to his chest to get it down.

Fier straightens his tie and brushes the lapel of his suit jacket. “Spill it, Jace. What was your first impression of our little sister?”

Everyone leans in, their undivided attention on Jace. This is the moment of truth. What he says next will determine if they’re buying what we’re selling. If one of them believes we aren’t completely in love, I will be marrying a demon of my father’s choosing.

Jace looks at me and smiles. “I won’t lie. It’s hard to look away when a fiery redhead with green eyes that almost glow walks into the room. Not to mention, she was wearing this blue sweater that displayed one of her many fine assets. She was so damn determined to be my roommate. But the last thing I wanted was a woman in my life, human or demon. I enjoy my freedom and having control of the things around me. But Desi upended it all.” His voice drops, and it’s like everyone has vanished and it’s just him and me. “She’s a little hurricane, leaving mayhem in her wake. But in the eye of her storm, there is a sweet moment of calm. She is the most beautiful chaos.”

A chorus of awws and gagging noises—I’m pretty sure those are from Mandis—go up around the room, but they may as well not even be there.

He remembers everything about the day we met, down to the sweater I was wearing. But it’s what he said last that has my heart in my stomach.

She’s a little hurricane, leaving mayhem in her wake. But in the eye of her storm, there is a sweet moment of calm. She is the most beautiful chaos.

Is that just Jace playing the fake dating game for my parents’ benefit? Or is that vision of me as true as the rest of his speech?

I have so much to say, but all I can manage right now is, “Is it really?” He glances down at me quizzically and I clarify, “The chaos . . . is it beautiful?” The look I give him lets him know that I’m not asking as part of the game.

He tucks a rogue curl behind my ear and the gloomy hue of his eyes brightens, turning almost a shimmering silver. “Desideria, your chaos is so fucking beautiful that sometimes, I wish it would devour me.”

My lips part and I’m engulfed in flames, consuming every inch of my skin. I don’t know what to say, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to speak over the gigantic lump in my throat. I settle for leaning in and tangling my leg around his under the table, just wanting to be close to him.

After we stuff ourselves with three courses of gourmet foods, my father dismisses everyone, and Jace and I head up to my room. As soon as the door closes behind us, I plop on the bed face down.

“I am so full,” I moan into my pillow. “I never eat as much as I do on family dinner nights.”

“I never eat this much, period,” Jace says, lying down next to me, his hand brushing my thigh for a fraction of a second. “But that food was amazing. You guys must have the best chefs in all three realms.”

I can hardly think of anything except the spot where his unintentional touch still lingers. “Yeah, we do. Dad is extra about a lot of stuff, including his food.” My heart bangs against my chest and I feel like I’m about to crawl out of my skin. “I’m going to change clothes,” I yelp, jumping up and shuffling into the closet, shutting the door and leaning against it.

Closing my eyes, I mumble, “Get your shit together, Desi.” It’s just Jace. Why am I in such a mess over him accidentally brushing my freaking leg with his fingers? He held my hand and swiped curls from my face all day. But now we’re getting ready to go to sleep. In the same bed.