“I—how was that for you?” I blurt, unsure of how to start this conversation.
I can almost see his brain search for the right words to say, the ones that won’t leave me in tears. It makes me want to hysterically laugh. We’ve created a solid friendship, and he shouldn’t feel the need to mince words with me.
“It was nice.”
My laughter is loud and truly happy. “I couldn’t have said it better myself. That kiss was everything I imagined it would be, but . . .” I let out a breath that makes my lips rattle and lift my shoulders in a shrug.
He chuckles and relaxes into the couch cushions. “It’s strange that you and I get along so well, but there isn’t an ounce of sexual chemistry. Not that you weren’t a good kisser, you were.”
“Please. You don’t have to explain it. I was there,” I say, holding up my hand.
“So now what?”
I shrug and lean into him. “We just enjoy each other’s company. And we don’t have to sit through another uncomfortable movie night with Jace trying to orchestrate a make-out session between us.”
“That works for me,” he says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder in a tight side-hug.
We fall right back into the easy friendship we’ve built over the last month. I’m happy that nothing has to change. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have Cannon to share my frustrations with. Especially since most of those frustrations revolve around Jace.
Jace used to frustrate me with all his rules, but now I just find them endearing. Now he frustrates me because although it’s clear to everyone else in this house and probably the old lady who lives across the street that he’s attracted to me, he’s pushing me and Cannon to share passionate, heat-filled kisses while he goes to his room alone.
Jace, who fucked his fist while watching me ride my hand through our windows and told me to come. And has yet to bring it up with me.
Yeah, it’s safe to say that I have a bone to pick with Jace Wilder.
I’ve spent a week trying to corner Jace and have a conversation about what happened between him and me after the charity dinner. One thing after another got in my way. I wasn’t going to bring it up the night of his panic attack, and the kiss setup with Cannon . . . well, that was just awkward timing. I thought I’d catch him at breakfast or dinner, but he always found a way to avoid the conversation. Tonight will be the night. Unless he tries to bail on our movie night because Cannon’s out of town, but I have the ultimate weapon to prevent that.
I cue the movie up as he comes downstairs wearing sleeping attire, his glasses perched on his nose.
“I don’t know if I’m up for movie night,” he says, plopping onto the couch next to me.
“That would be a shame,” I say, nodding at the television. “I figured we could just continue our Star Wars marathon now that we’re done with the newer movies and it’s time to go back in time to the ’70s, apparently.” I shake my head. “Still so weird how they did that.”
Jace looks at me with something like admiration in his eyes. “I’m impressed. You’re finally coming over to the dark side.”
“I am, but if you don’t want to be here to witness my downfall . . .” I say, grabbing the remote, “I can just go watch it in my room.”
He reaches over me and snatches the remote from my grip. “No, I didn’t say that. I’ll stay. This will give me a renewed sense of energy.”
I offer him a smile, but inside, my chaotic little demon soul is rubbing its palms together with sinister glee. I’ve got him right where I want him.
“Speaking of energy, do you want any snacks?” I ask as he presses Play.
“I shouldn’t since it’s so late, but I’ve only had two bowls of peanut butter puffs this week. I think I can handle a snack or two.”
I give him a sly grin and look back at the kitchen. Like I’m directing traffic, I move my arms and call forth the foods that I’ve learned are his favorite cheat day items (besides the aforementioned puffs). A cup of ice and a can of Coke float out of the kitchen along with a bag of veggie chips and some gummy bears. My magic places the items on the coffee table, and a carton of Ben & Jerry’s and a spoon drift into my open hands.
“So weird,” he mumbles, grabbing the chips. “My very own demon Jedi.”
Pride suddenly swells in my chest. I’ve never really been proud of my powers before; everyone in Infernis has some sort of power, depending on their rank. But Jace referring to me as his very own demon Jedi is, well, I don’t know what it is, but it makes me feel like I belong here, which means more than I care to admit.