Page 91 of The Love Shack

She grinned and jogged the last few steps to the door. “You have a surprise in store and I want to be there to see it.”

“A surprise?” He looked back at Oliver.

“Hair,” Oliver said, earning a scowl from Lark. “Well, you’re worrying him for no reason.”

“Not worried,” Lawson denied, but his frown darkened.

After a quick knock, Lark ducked inside the house and shut the door. Oliver had to admit that he liked how she teased. Liked how she ran, too. And how she defended Berkley.

He stood there, holding Handsome, smiling, until his thoughts circled back around...

She’d lost a baby.

Knowing Lark now as he did, he could imagine how difficult that had been for her. She had an open way about her, a contagious enthusiasm and optimism, and she freely offered help wherever she could.

Who had been there to help her?

Going forward, he would.

Lark Penny, a tenderhearted woman with a positive way of looking at life, hadn’t factored into his plans. When he’d set out for Cemetery, a new relationship was the last thing on his mind, especially with his already established relationships in tatters.

But now he knew her, and he wanted her.

Plans changed. With Lark, they changed for the better.


Lawson loved her hair. He’d told her so numerous times, even when she invited Oliver and Lark in to visit for a few minutes. Lark beamed at the praise, and Berkley couldn’t stop smiling.

According to Lawson, she always looked gorgeous.

Maybe that was because when she was with him, she felt prettier. Not that she’d ever been that displeased with her looks. But who she was? Yes, that had displeased her a lot. Now, as she’d told Lark, she was learning to forgive her mistakes, and to accept a happier future.

She was glad Oliver and Lark decided to stay for just a bit. It allowed Handsome to spend some one-on-one time with Hero. The skittish dog was always more at ease with animals, but Hero was special in many ways, as they witnessed with how he carefully led Handsome into playing. Hero wrangled, teased, yapped at and taunted Handsome until finally the smaller dog got the hang of it. Now they had the zoomies around the couch, under the coffee table, through the kitchen and to the laundry, where they both did a little skidding before wheeling around and racing out again.

The commotion had Oliver standing protectively, as if he thought he might need to rescue Handsome. Berkley assured him it was fine, that Hero would never hurt the smaller, shier dog. As they shot past again, each with a tongue hanging out, Oliver relaxed and said, “So when I adopt him, maybe I need to think about a buddy for him, too.”

That wonderful sentiment had her sharing a look first with Lawson, who winked at her, and then with Lark, who appeared to be falling in love.

Funny that when she’d accepted the position of director at The Love Shack, she’d had no idea of the massive changes in store.

Then boom, instead of being a recluse who associated only with animals, she was assisting cat yoga, entertaining friends in her home—and enjoying stupendous sex with a smoking-hot guy who knew the worst moments of her life, and liked her anyway.

That last perk, the incredible sex, was her favorite.

It was getting late when Oliver and Lark left, but they’d all had such a great time. Berkley hoped to have them over again soon.

Handsome was happier than she’d ever seen him, and he was also worn out from all the vigorous playtime. The second she got him into his area in the shelter, he curled up on his bedding, ready to nod off. Berkley gave him a few extra pets, made sure he had his blanket and on impulse kissed the top of his little furry head. This one would have a very happy life, thanks to Oliver.

“Hero is good for him,” Lawson said quietly as they left the shelter.

“Hero is good for everyone.” That was why he had his name. He rescued people, animals and, in her case, her heart.

The moon was high, the air humid, when they stepped outside. Berkley locked up the shelter, saying, “It’s getting late.” They’d both be up early tomorrow—and still she didn’t want the day to end.

Lawson kept a hand on the small of her back as they walked the short distance to her house. “Are you tired?”

“No.” If anything, she was invigorated. “You?”