“Wait with us,” Lark insisted, pushing out the chair beside her.
Oliver seemed in agreement, and Berkley figured a few minutes more wouldn’t hurt. Before she could offer up any topics for conversation, Mila, one of the servers who also helped manage the restaurant, came over to them.
Berkley had only met her once, but Mila had been all smiles then. Now she wore a concerned frown.
“Hey, Berkley, right?”
“Yes. We met once before when I stopped in.”
Mila nodded. “So...earlier today, someone called asking about you.”
Everything inside her went still—her lungs, her pulse, even her heartbeat. It was Lawson’s hand on her back, rubbing between her shoulders, that got her breathing again. She choked out “Oh?” even while thinking that it made no sense for Chad to hunt her down now.
Oliver asked, “Someone looking to adopt an animal?”
“I don’t think so.” Mila dug in an apron pocket, sifted through a few pieces of paper and finally handed one to Berkley. “Wheeler took the call. It was a guy, asking if you lived around here. Wheeler’s a sharp guy, so of course he didn’t say that everyone in Cemetery knows you, or of you.” Her shoulders lifted. “The Love Shack is a huge hit, you know?”
Lark asked, “So what did Wheeler tell him?”
“He got his name and number and said he’d ask around. Not that he will,” she assured Berkley. “But Wheeler figured he could at least find out who was looking for you. He got a bad vibe off the guy.” She nodded at the paper now crumpled in Berkley’s hand. “That’s your caller’s info.”
Twisting her lips into a smile, Berkley looked at the paper. Sure enough, it had Chad’s name and a number. “Thanks, Mila.” She shoved the note into her purse. “Will you thank Wheeler for me, too?”
“Sure.” She hesitated. “No one here would give out personal info, but Cemetery has a lot of businesses, and if that dude starts calling around...”
“It’s fine.” It would be. Somehow Berkley would see to it. “I’m listed with the shelter, so he’s bound to locate me sooner or later.”
“Trouble?” Oliver asked, his expression so dark that Berkley did a double take.
“Nothing I can’t handle.” That became truer by the day. “He’s a creep I knew years ago. I haven’t heard from him in nearly a decade.”
Still Mila hesitated. “If you need anything, let us know.”
Her smile went crooked. “The town? Anyone here?” Giving a pat to Berkley’s shoulder, she said, “We’ve got you, okay? Cemetery takes care of its own.”
With those profound words, Mila got back to work.
Undone by the generous statement, Berkley sat there in awe.I am part of this town now.Guess that came with some perks.
Unconvinced, Oliver sat forward. “Would you like me to have a word with him?”
The offer took Berkley off guard.
“You don’t think I’ve offered?” Lawson asked.
“I didn’t think about it. Just gut reaction, I guess.”
That made Lark snicker. “Rushing in to save the damsel in distress. You’re both so sweet.”
“Notsave,” Lawson corrected. “Offer backup.”
“And options,” Oliver added.
Lawson faced Berkley. “Stand with you.”
Oliver nodded. “Or in front of you, if it was necessary.”