Her brows lifted high. “You don’t want to talk about it?”
Trailing a finger over the multiple earrings in her ear, he said, “That wouldn’t be fair, would it?” He wanted her to share with him, about anything and everything. “And with you, I don’t mind.”
Relieved he felt that way, Berkley stepped closer. He was right, it was late and she should be winding down. The time with him had flown by, because he made her so comfortable. More than that, he entertained her, and around him she felt more alive than she had in... She couldn’t remember ever feeling like this.
Free. Happy.
Everything with Lawson was unique; it was a relationship unlike any she’d known. “You didn’t pressure me, so I don’t want to pressure you. But if you feel like talking, I’d love to know.” And then, maybe, she could help him, too.
With an awkward laugh, he explained, “Kathleen was back.” His mouth twisted. “Actually, she’s always there. She seems to live in front of my shop now.”
Berkley fought a smile and lost. “It still bugs you?”
“What bugs me most is that someone keeps putting signs in her hand.”
Fanning out his arms in a grand gesture, he intoned,“Why don’t you like me?”
“Oh, um...” She tried not to grin, but it was pretty funny.
“There was another, too.” He frowned.“Why won’t you be my friend?”
Berkley didn’t mean to, but she barked a surprised laugh. Slapping a hand over her mouth didn’t help, especially when Lawson grinned, too. Someone was really egging him on.
Catching her wrists, he gently pulled her hands away and then tugged her into close, full-body contact. “I love hearing you laugh, Berkley.” He kissed her, a long, steal-her-thoughts kind of kiss, and as he straightened, he said, “Mmm. Love the taste of your laugh, too.”
That sobered her real quick. Tonight had been shattering in many ways. Contact from Chad, her first kiss with Lawson.
And now all those special words...
He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m right through the woods, okay? If you need me, for anything, will you let me know?”
Anything, huh? She nodded, her thoughts already scrambling, but no. She did need time—time to assimilate this new version of herself, to think about how to handle things with Chad if he dared approach her. And to decide how far and how fast she wanted to take things with Lawson.
“Thank you.”
He leaned in for one last, firm peck. “As always, my pleasure.”
She could really get used to the kissing. How had she gone so many years without realizing how incredibly wonderful, and hot, and stirring a kiss could be?
Chad certainly hadn’t affected her like this—not that there was any comparison between Lawson and Chad. Lawson engaged her mind, her heart, her body... Whereas she’d seen Chad as a port in the storm. Safety.What a laugh.Comfort.So ironic.
“Friday,” he reminded her.
She knew she shouldn’t, but this was new and exciting and she couldn’t resist. Going on tiptoes again, her hands against his chest, she put her mouth to his once more—and didn’t want to stop. Honestly, she could have stood there by the door and kissed him for hours.
It wasn’t fair to him, though. She wasn’t yet sure how much she wanted, or how far to go, so she reined it in, dropped back to her heels and smiled up at him. “Friday.”
With a small, bemused shake of his head, he went out the door, and then waited while she locked back up. Berkley watched through the kitchen door window until he rounded the corner between the house and the shelter, and disappeared from sight.
Floodlights automatically came on at dark as part of the security, but they didn’t reach far into the woods. Lawson would have to walk through the dark to get home and she was suddenly worried. She had a second of reservations and, deciding it would be okay because it was Lawson, she called him.
He answered with “Miss me already?”
Even now, he kept her smiling. “Yes,” she answered honestly. Her small house—a house she loved—felt suddenly empty now that he’d gone.