Breathing fast, she murmured, “Now.”
She still clutched at him, and her eyes appeared dazed. “You asked the last time I was kissed. I think that might’ve been my first because nothing before it can possibly count.” She licked her lips and smiled up at him. “So I’m going with ‘now’ as the answer.” Turning away, she asked, “How about that ice cream?”
That quick about-face nearly gave him whiplash. “Sure. Ice cream.” He could hear the rasp in his voice, but damn, his brain and his body definitely had other priorities.
She grinned at him, then picked up both bowls and moved to the table. “I think I need time to consider a few things.”
Of course she did, especially given the news she’d gotten about Chad. “Things like me and you?”
“Is that okay?”
“Of course it is.” Never mind that his thoughts were halfway to the bedroom already; he would never pressure Berkley. She’d had enough of that in her life already. “Always feel free to tell me what you want.”
“Thank you. For everything.”
He quirked a brow in question.
“Being here, perfect timing.” She lifted her bowl in a modified toast. “Sharing food and conversation.” Her lips, pinker now, lifted in a smile. “That killer kiss. It was...devastating, but in a good way.” Getting serious, she watched him, and added quietly, “And for understanding.”
Her words helped to ease the constriction in his muscles. At the moment, he wanted to be anything and everything she needed. How that had happened to him so quickly, he wasn’t quite sure. He only knew that when Berkley needed someone, if shewantedsomeone, he hoped it would be him. “If I tell you it was my pleasure, will you believe me?”
“I’d like to, but it’s hard to imagine.”
“I don’t know why. You’re great company. Funny, easy to talk to, smart and sincere.” He looked past her to the couch visible in the family room, where Hero and Cheese slept. “Compassionate, too, and loving.” He looked at her. “Lovable.”
A sweep of red climbed her throat and settled into her cheeks.
Watching, enjoying her reaction to his compliments, Lawson ate a scoop of ice cream.
“I, um, thank you.”
“You know that’s all true, right?” Her ice cream remained untouched in front of her. “Betty clearly adores you. I’m sure Oliver was impressed by you. Lark has had nothing but wonderful things to say about you.”
She picked up her spoon, toying with it. “I thought about some of that, about how friendly and caring everyone is around here. I know I need to be a little more open, especially if so many people are going to volunteer and be involved at The Love Shack. We need that. The animals need it. So I was thinking of putting myself out there a little, maybe hitting up one of the town council meetings, and joining Yardley and the other women for their tea.”
He understood without her having to say it. “But now you know Chad is looking for you and that worries you?”
Nodding, she put a big bite of ice cream into her mouth.
“What do you think will happen if he shows up?”
The spoon landed in her bowl with a loud clink. Head in her hands, she stared down at the tabletop.
“Berkley?”Wasshe afraid of Chad? If so, Lawson would love the chance to intercede on her behalf.
“When I read the note, I panicked. Even if Chad was nice and only wanted to catch up, I think I’d freak out.” Finally she lifted her face, letting him see her beautiful blue eyes, dark with worry. “I don’t want everyone to know about the scandal. I want it behind me. I want all that ugliness kept private.”
“I understand that.” If their chairs were closer, he’d be tempted to pull her into his lap and hold her. Much as he’d enjoy it, he knew it wasn’t the right move to make. She was opening up to him, and every time she did, it felt special. It felt right—between them. “It’s not really a scandal, you know. Not now. It shouldn’t have been back then, either, and wouldn’t have been if Chad’s wife hadn’t been a local celebrity.”
She squeezed her eyes shut, a picture of misery. “I slept with her husband.”
“You didn’t know he was married.”