Page 38 of The Love Shack

“So,” she said, hoping she hadn’t done the unthinkable. “Did you have a date?”

He paused with a bite of chicken halfway to his mouth. “A date?”

“Yes, you know. A social activity between two people who are attracted to each other.”

He went perfectly still. “Lark, this is not a date.”

Her lips wanted so badly to lift in a smile, but she managed to suppress the urge. Barely. “I didn’t meanme, so mellow out already. I’m pushy, but I’m not that bad.”

He didn’t appear to agree.

“By the way, it’s a little insulting for you to look so appalled by the idea of a date with me.” The humor got the better of her and she grinned. “Look, I know I’m a mess right now, and I don’t generally come on strong when I’m interested. I’m just friendly.”

One of his brows lifted, but otherwise his gaze stayed serious behind his glasses.

Oh, he wouldn’t be an easy one, but then, she enjoyed a challenge. “I’m asking if I messed up your plans with someone else.”

After giving her a long look, he said simply, “No.”

She went on as if he hadn’t spoken. “Because if so, I can get my food to go.”

Two seconds passed in condemning silence.

Never let it be said that she couldn’t take a hint—especially when she was hit over the head with it. “In fact, if that’s what you prefer...” This time she didn’t allow an uncomfortable silence. She quickly shook her head and corrected her words with a laugh. “Obviously, it’s what you prefer. I’m sorry I crowded you.” His clear annoyance left her feeling equal parts insulted and downcast. Ready for an escape, she searched the restaurant to flag down a waiter. “Let me just find someone and I’ll get out of your hair.”

“You don’t have to leave.”

“No, it’s fine. There aren’t any other seats for me to move to, and besides, I’m soaked through to the skin. I wouldn’t mind changing into dry clothes.” Her slicker was cute, and for a dash through the rain it would have been fine. Lingering with Kathleen, though, had done her in. Her hair was sodden. Her makeup was mostly removed...with some smudges remaining.

She hadn’t cared until now. Before realizing that her company was unwanted, she’d been having fun, enjoying the wet rescue of the town mannequin and seeing it as an adventure. She’d been lighthearted, something she hadn’t genuinely felt in too long.

Now, though, well, she refused to analyze the uncomfortable feelings plaguing her.

“Blast. Everyone is so busy. I’ll go to the bar and ask for a take-home container.” She half stood while saying, “Give me just a second—”

“Lark.” He reached out, his hand catching hers and halting her retreat. “I’m sorry.”

“No, really, it’s fine.” Her butt remained off the chair, caught between standing and sitting. She wasn’t sure what to do. Maybe if his hand wasn’t so big and warm, and his touch wasn’t so gentle, almost careful, she’d have found the backbone to tug it away and continue on with her plan of escape.

“It’s not,” he insisted. “I had a hectic day and I’m taking it out on you.”

“Wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t forced myself on you.” Her eyes almost crossed as the words left her mouth.Her, force herself onhim? The man was twice her size.

“You didn’t...” He coughed to cover a laugh, then gently tugged to urge her back into her seat. “How about we start over?”

Giving in, she sat. Unlike him, she wasn’t into fitness and her thighs hadn’t been at all keen on the awkward pose. “Fine.” She freed her hand and relaxed back in her chair. “From what point? Where I nearly ran you down, where I hauled you to an empty table, or where I joined you and then ordered food?”

“Back to you almost running me down.” He put his elbows on the table beside his plate, laced his fingers together and tapped them to his chin. “Lark. Hello. It’s good to see you again.”

Ha! She liked this game. Holding out her arms in enthusiastic greeting, she said, “Oliver! Hey. I wasn’t planning to eat but now that you’re here, and I see a table, you should grab it.”

“Consider it grabbed.”

She stifled her laugh to ask demurely, “Would you mind if I joined you?”

His snort was loud enough to draw attention. “That soundsnothinglike you.”

Lark put her nose in the air. “This is a do-over, if you’ll recall. Your idea. I can replay it however I choose.”