Page 113 of The Love Shack

“And you want to be close to the shelter. I get it. When you’re ready, I don’t mind selling mine.”

Giddiness bubbled up. Sleeping with Lawson each night, waking with him each morning... Sign her up. “But you’re on the lake.” There was so much to consider.

Touching a finger under her chin, he tipped up her face. “We can keep both places if you want.”

She frowned. “I want you with me.”

“That’s where I want to be.” He glanced at Hero, who patiently watched their interaction. “You, Cheese and this astute fellow, you’re all important to me. If you’re ready for me to move in, I’m there.”

“I’m ready.”

His grin was lazy and sexy and full of satisfaction. “The houses aren’t far apart. The shelter is growing already, and if one day you get a full-time employee, maybe your house would work as a perk and we could live in mine.” He cupped her cheek. “Or we can stay in yours and use mine for time away. I promise, it doesn’t matter to me.”

“As long as we’re together,” she finished for him, knowing that was his thought.

He nodded. “Now that I’ve found you again, I don’t want to let you go. Ever.”

A car drove by, giving them a friendly honk as they passed. Smiling, Berkley said, “We need to get to the beach.” She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Let’s present Kingston, and tonight, as you planned, we can talk things out.”

“Should I put that ring back in the box for now?”

Laughing, she held her hand to her heart. “No way. Let’s just wait and see if Betty notices. That might be even more fun.”

Agreeing with a grin, he gave Hero a few pats, kissed her once more, then got them on their way.

A few minutes later, they arrived to find the beach packed. Umbrellas were set up, lawn chairs and beach towels spread over the sand. Every available picnic table along the perimeter of the lot was occupied. Cars had filled all the parking spots.

Fortunately, Oliver waved them over to a cleared space that he’d saved for them. Since he’d come by earlier to get Handsome, the dog was at his side, crooked teeth and all.

Lawson backed in. Berkley took Handsome for Oliver, then he and Lawson, accompanied by Berkley, Lark and the dogs, carried their hidden cargo to a small platform. Lark had arranged the setting, surrounded by flowers and, thanks to Yardley, some decorative poofs of netting.

It was perfect. Like a backyard wedding, except they faced a beach full of onlookers.

Betty hustled up to them, bringing Gladys along on a leash. The three dogs happily greeted each other, but Betty wore a frown. “Young lady,” she said, while pulling Berkley aside. “What are you up to?”

For once she wasn’t in her usual wardrobe. No business dress or low-heeled shoes. Betty wore a lightweight, flowing caftan in beach colors, and she was barefoot! Berkley stared at her small feet, a little spellbound by the sight.

“They’re called toes,” Betty said, reclaiming her attention.

Seeing the flush on her face, Berkley couldn’t stop the grin. “The hat is cool.”

“It shades my face. At my age, in this heat, too much time on the beach is not ideal.”

Oh, no. She hadn’t considered that. “I’m so sorry. I should have—”

Betty sniffed. “I’m enjoying it.” She flexed her toes, then leaned in close, conspiratorial. “Shocked a lot of people, seeing me here, dressed casually, so it’s been worth it. Now, what—” Suddenly her eyes widened. She stared at Berkley’s hand, then up to her face, then back at her hand. “Is that an engagement ring?”

“Shh.” Berkley crowded closer still. “I swear, I’ll tell you all about it later, in private. But not here, okay?” She didn’t want to draw attention.

With tears in her eyes, Betty said, “Your mother would be so pleased.” She gave a quiet, sniffling laugh. “I’mso pleased.”

Proving he’d been listening in, Lawson leaned near to Betty’s ear and said, “I’m pleased most of all.” Then he gave Betty a hug, and really sealed the deal by adding, “Maybe this week you could join Berkley and me for dinner, with Oliver and Lark.”

“And the dogs,” Berkley said, knowing that Betty now took Gladys everywhere, and Handsome could always use more interaction.

Betty bloomed. “I would love that. Thank you.” In the next second, she turned cross again. “Now, what are you young people up to?”

He deferred to Berkley, and she said, “Maybe Betty could do the honors. After all, she is the namesake of this town.”