Page 107 of The Love Shack

She snorted, then said again, “I want you to leave.”

“After we talk, but I can’t think straight with that vicious animal between us.”

Little by little, Chad made this easier for her. He was so smarmy, so insignificant, that the rest of her long-held angst faded away. “He’s not vicious, he’s protective.”

“You don’t need protection from me.”

No, she probably didn’t. Seeing Chad now, she realized that he was nothing. A sad little man with rounded shoulders, a puffy face and not an ounce of integrity. She’d once considered his wispy blond hair to be cute. His pale blue eyes kind. When she looked at him now, all she saw was his deceit and his audacity.

No longer so rattled, she regretted alarming Betty. “Listen closely, Chad. I’m not interested in talking to you.”

“When would be a good time?”

She almost laughed.“Never.”When he pulled an expression of hurt, incredulity had her shaking her head. “Chad, look...” How did you make it clear to someone that you not only regretted knowing them, you hated what you knew? Lawson would tell her to say exactly that. Betty would probably have a wittier way to put it. “You have absolutely no reason to come here.”

“Babe.” He reached out for her, but she sidestepped him, and Hero shot back to his feet with a snarl of warning. Warily eyeing the dog, he said, “I had to see you.”

“I amnotyour babe.”

Appearing genuinely confused by her attitude, he frowned. “We were so good together, at least admit that much.”

Was he deranged? Unwell? His absurd insistence made no sense. Berkley kept a tight hold on Hero’s leash, and on her temper. “For the last time, I’m telling you to leave.”

“You were happy with me.” Annoyance edged into his tone. “Happier than you can be now with your dyed hair and smelly animals.”

Her teeth ground together and she had to draw a deep, calming breath before she could reply. “I was happy with who Ithoughtyou were—basically, a good, generous, single man.”

Holding out his arms, he stated, “I’m single now.”

Berkley huffed out a breath. Well, whoop-de-doo. Did he seriously expect her to care at this point? How had she ever been so gullible? Even at seventeen, she should have seen through him. “Youliedto me.” Taking a forceful step forward, she said, “You cheated on yourwife.” It all came crashing in on her, and she stepped closer still. “Thanks to you, I was put through hell. Whatever relationship status you have now, it couldn’t matter less to me. It wouldn’t matter if you were the very last man on earth.”

Proving the loss of her temper delighted him, he grinned knowingly. “You’re still unmarried, Berkley. I think that speaks for itself.”

That did it. “I didn’t even date because you turned me off all men! My experience with you wasthatdisgusting, that ugly and foul, and for the longest time I couldn’t stomach the idea of any relationship.” Yet, Lawson had changed all that.

Absurdly understanding, he said, “You’re just hurting, but, babe, I’m here now.”

Expanding with anger, Berkley had the awful urge to sock him, right in the mouth. Or maybe laugh hysterically. He was different now, so dense and so very sure of himself when he had no reason.

Or maybe he’d always been that way, but at seventeen she’d been too naive to see it.

Hero snapped, backing Chad up. Berkley knew her anger wasn’t helping, in fact was making Hero more protective. She had to get a grip, had to gain control...

Chad lifted his foot, as if to kick the dog.

That did it. “Touch him,” Berkley whispered with very real menace, “and I promise you’ll regret it.”

Hesitating, Chad lowered his foot.

“Knock, knock.” Lawson pressed his way in, his gaze sweeping over both her and Chad and, she could tell, making his own assumptions. “Hope I’m not intruding.”

“You are,” Chad said.

Hero went ecstatic, all wiggling body and whipping tail and slobbering glee. He probably saw Lawson as backup and was thrilled for it. He was such a smart dog.

She saw Lawson the same, and was equally thrilled... Though, admittedly, she was also a bit embarrassed. Her biggest mistake,Chad Durkinson, was right here in her house, and the guy she loved had just shown up to witness her shame.

Though she’d just claimed disinterest in relationships, Lawson had changed everything. He’d changed her. Romance, sex, friendship—she wanted all of it. Forever.Only with him.