“Good choice,” Oliver pointed out. “At least this one has muscle tone.”
“And a package,” Lawson added dryly, making Berkley almost spit out her drink.
“He’s missing a few parts.” Oliver eyed the “package,” which was really no more than a slight molded bulge.
“But he does have a six-pack.” This mannequin was far sexier than the one she’d chosen. “Kathleen will like that.”
“Women and their expectations,” Oliver lamented.
She patted his very firm stomach and smiled.
It was late by the time they finished dinner, followed by dessert and then coffee. After leaving generous tips to the servers for occupying the table so long, they headed back to their respective cars.
Sneaking in a hug for Berkley, Lark said, “Not to be a worrier, but after that creep’s call, I hope you invite Lawson to stay over.”
“I am,” Berkley confided. “Not because of Chad, but because it’s getting harder and harder to say goodbye each night.”
“For him, too, I’m sure.” When Berkley looked at Lawson, everything she felt was there in her eyes. No one deserved happiness more.
Lark knew that because of her past, Berkley was more cautious than most, determined to never again be the topic of gossip. This, however, was a battle she didn’t need to fight.
“I’m applauding you,” Lark whispered. “I know everyone else will, too.”
They parted ways, and Lark felt certain that tonight was a turning point for her friend. No idea how they’d work out two houses, and the occasional conflict of their jobs, but she knew they were the forever kind of couple.
Now she only had to worry about her own relationship, but with Oliver making it so easy, all she could do was smile.
Lawson woke forthe fourth day in a row with Berkley wrapped up in his arms. Any second now, her alarm would go off. His girl worked far too hard, for too many hours, but it was one of the things he loved about her.
Done doubting it, he’d admitted to himself that it was 100 percent love. He’d been around enough to know the difference. What he didn’t know for certain was how she felt. This was all new for her.
As he thought of how badly she’d been hurt, his arm automatically curled her closer and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Nose to his chest, warm breath stirring him, she mumbled lightly and resettled herself.
Now, today, and always, he wanted to take care of her. To lend a hand physically when her workload piled up, to defend her against creeps like Durkinson and applaud the loudest whenever the town heralded her.
The heralding was bound to happen again and again, because everyone here appreciated her. She thought he was the only one who really saw her, but they all did. Beautiful Berkley, inside and out.
So far, she’d resisted his efforts to help.You’re not a Love Shack employee.Who cared? He wouldn’t have to be at his shop for a couple of hours yet, and he’d rather stick around here than head home just to get a little more remodeling done.
Slanting his gaze toward the clock, he prepared himself for her screeching alarm.
Somehow wrapped around his head like a cat hat, Cheese stretched awake, then agilely leaped from the bed and padded out of the room, no doubt heading for her litter box.
Lawson flexed his toes. The way Hero used his right leg for a pillow left it numb. Grumbling, the dog threw a paw over his shin as if to stifle his movement, and then let out a huff. Berkley swore that the dog and cat rarely slept in the bed, but they’d crawled in and gotten comfortable each night that he’d stayed over.
“Mmmrrmm.” A small fist stretched up past his face, narrowly missing his nose, and her entire body arched as she slowly came awake.
“Good morning.”
Every morning, her eyes popped open as if shocked to find him there. Today was no different.
Vivid blue eyes met his, took a moment to focus, and then she softened all over.
Every. Single. Time. He’d never tire of it, and he’d never tire of her.
She snuggled in closer. “The alarm should be going off any—”