Page 85 of The Love Shack

“I’m fond of him, too.” Much of Handsome’s fur had returned but it was still uneven. The dog gave him a gruesome smile, thanks to his perpetually squinting eye and dental issues, but it was adorable all the same. “He no longer looks panicked when I visit.”

“Are you kidding? He’s thrilled to see you.” She leaned closer as if to share a secret. “He’s your dog now, you know?”

“Yes, he’s mine.”

Brows shooting up and eyes widening, she showed her surprise.

“You thought I’d deny it?” He gently rubbed one of Handsome’s bristly ears. “I think Berkley already knows, but either way, she said she’d talk to me first if anyone was interested in adopting him. I’d like to take him soon, but until he’s gotten through his dental work, I don’t want to disrupt him. I thought I’d be putting in sixty hours or more at the fitness center, but it’s all coming together more easily than I’d imagined and my schedule isn’t near as strict as I’d anticipated.”

“Somehow, you and a strict schedule seem to fit.”

Very true. Before moving here, he’d been rigid in his work ethic, determined to get ahead, to build a name for himself, fatten his bank account and set up his future.

Here, in Cemetery, he was trying to learn to live more, plan less. There was a reasonable balance, and he was finding it here.

“Things aren’t as regimented as I’d expected.” That was in part due to Lark’s incredible marketing talents. “You can take some credit for that.”


“I thought I’d spend at least a month just drumming up business, but we’ve been nearly maxed out since opening. With so much clientele, I’ve been able to adapt the business hours to accommodate the busiest times. Lawson and I are doing some shared promotions, and thanks to you, I’m meeting new people through the shelter. The cat yoga was a massive hit and we’re already booked up for the rest of the summer. Now other businesses here are reaching out.”

“Glad you could use some of my ideas.” She gave him a cheeky grin. “Any time you want to discuss business, let me know.”

He wanted to discuss business, all right. Among other things. Like how she’d taken all his plans and so easily turned them upside down. He wanted his new career to be a hit, but he also wanted Lark, the sooner the better. “When I came here, the very last thing I counted on was a—”

She inhaled and held it.


“Oh,” she said on a long, relieved exhale.

“Or a woman,” he added, knowing that was what she’d expected.

Scrunching her nose, she said, “I did sort of push myself on you that first time at Saul’s restaurant.”

He couldn’t help that his voice lowered. “You can push yourself on me anytime you want.”

“Ha!” Her laugh startled Handsome, who could still be skittish, so she spent a minute apologizing to the dog, bending down to talk to him and hugging him—which put her very close to Oliver’s lap.

“Lark?” Settling his hand over her dark hair, he let his fingers sink into the heavy locks. She had amazing hair, not that long, but so silky it was almost liquid. He’d never paid that much attention to a woman’s hair before. It either suited her or it didn’t. He noticed redheads, but then noticed blondes, too. Lark, with her rich hair and pale gray eyes, gave off a uniquely innocent but mischievous vibe—and somehow was scorching hot at the same time. Especially with her smiles and “wewillbe friends” manner.

With Handsome now reassured, she peered up at him. “I’ll be on my best behavior now. I hate that I frightened him.”

“He’ll get used to you.” Oliver tugged her a little closer. “I want to kiss you.”

Nodding, she said, “I was hoping you would.”

He almost grinned, but getting his mouth on hers took precedence. They met over the dog, each leaning in, and he knew he was a goner.

Her lips, slightly parted, touched his tentatively. Their breaths mingled, each savoring the moment. When she started to pull back, he closed the distance and kissed her again, warmer, firmer. Deeper.

It went from a getting-to-know-you kiss to a prelude-to-sex kind of kiss. Everything he’d expected from Lark—a heated punch to his senses, a mere taste that made him want more—was in that kiss.

Need tensed his shoulders, but he gently brushed his thumb over the smoothness of her warm cheek. Slowly, he straightened. “I need more of that.”

“Yup, me too.”

Her eagerness made him feel guilty. “I should tell you something.”