Sliding the sweatband over her forehead, and grinning, because yeah, this was a little fun, he finished off her look. He hefted Kathleen completely into his truck, secured a tarp over her, closed the gate and drove away from his shop.
Nearer to Oliver’s fitness center, people milled about, but with a little effort, he managed to get Kathleen and the sign set up. She looked very trendy in her sportswear with Oliver’s logo on the front.
Come on in and get fit like me. You know you want to.
Fighting a grin, Lawson took a pic with his phone, then headed home. Kathleen was no longer at his shop, and it hadn’t been that much trouble to change her clothes and move her. He’d just enjoyed taking part in Cemetery’s nonsense—and it was fun.
Now to grab a shower at home, then join Berkley for some one-on-one time.
He couldn’t think of a better way to spend his day.
Lark was inan odd mood, and Oliver didn’t like it. He was used to her friendly chatter and smiles, but now she seemed... Shy? No, that wasn’t a word that would ever apply to Lark. But something was wrong. He could damn well sense it.
She was as sweet as ever with Handsome, telling the dog how cute he was, that he was such a good boy, praising him when he sprinkled the grass, when he darted after a butterfly and even when he led them under the shade of a cluster of trees.
For Oliver, she’d been slightly distant.
“You did a great job on Berkley’s hair.”
She flashed him a smile that wrapped around his heart. “Not that she didn’t look awesome already. She wanted a change, and I really like how it turned out.”
Since Handsome plopped down on the grass near a tree, Oliver meandered closer and leaned back against the trunk. He studied Lark. “You’ve got a little smudge of mascara under your right eye.”
“Again? Ugh.” She reached up to rub, but he stopped her.
“Let me.” He lifted his pinky finger to her lips. “Little lick.”
“Excuse me?”
He’d probably excuse her anything, but the idea of her tongue touching him had his thoughts in a riot. “To dampen the end of my finger. Then I can remove the smudge.”
“Oh.” She took hold of his wrist, her hand so small that her fingers barely managed to encircle him. He could have sworn a wicked gleam entered those gray eyes before she lowered her lashes and, bringing his hand closer, swirled the tip of her tongue over his finger.
He felt it everywhere, and almost forgot what he was doing until she gave him such an innocent look. “Chin up,” he gruffly ordered.
Dutifully, she tipped her face, staring up at the tree to make it easier for him. One small swipe, and the mascara was removed.
She still held his wrist.
If Handsome wasn’t right there, held on a leash between them, Oliver would have kissed her. Didn’t matter that they were in the shelter yard on a Sunday, or that Berkley had glanced out at them several times.
Lark might not be aware of her friend’s attention, but he was. “Did Berkley have plans? Are we holding her up?”
“No. She’s having dinner with Lawson tonight, but we have another hour before she’ll want to put Handsome in his area and lock up the shelter.”
“Want to sit, then? Handsome is done walking, I think. The ground is dry, and you’re in jeans.” Cute jeans, snug enough to hug her behind and showcase her waist. Her sleeveless top was some kind of sheer pink material that draped over her breasts and fell loosely from there.
Lark Penny had showstopper looks, but that wasn’t what drew him.
“Sure.” When she started to lower herself, he took her hand under the guise of assisting her. She smiled her thanks, and sat cross-legged.
Once Oliver sat at the other side of Handsome, the dog scooted closer, then rested his shaggy head over Oliver’s thigh. The pooch definitely knew how to steal his heart.
He was a lot like Lark that way.
“Aww,” Lark breathed softly. “He loves you.”