Well, that certainly explained it, and made her want to rejoice. Nodding, she said in a whisper, “Me, too.”
Apparently forgetting that he didn’t want their relationship advertised, he bent to kiss her, crushing her close and practically lifting her off her feet. Someone, somewhere, gave a loud whistle and he abruptly stepped back.
Feeling dazed, happily so, Berkley glanced around and saw that they’d gotten closer to the parking lot than she’d realized.
It was Wheeler who’d whistled, standing there with a trio of blondes who were maybe sisters, all of them beautiful. He waved as he laughed.
“So much for that plan,” Lawson said as he waved back.
Berkley hugged up to his side and got him walking again. “We have an exclusive relationship, it’s serious, and we both want it to last. That covers the bases, right?”
“Does for me.”
“Me, too. So who cares what others think?” Given that much of her life had been colored by negative judgment and condemnation, not caring was a new attitude for her.
Just as they reached his truck, he completely stole her heart by asking, “Will Hero and Cheese be okay for a few more hours?”
Affection filled her heart when she whispered, “Yes. Hero is chill and Cheese will sleep. No worries.”
Smiling, he jogged to a trash can to dispose of their bag, then hurried back so they could leave.
A few more hours...
It had been a perfect first date, and it seemed her evening was about to get even better.
When they stepped into his house, Lawson glanced around, glad that he’d put away tools and cleared construction messes. His house was almost done, minus some decorating.
“Ooooh,” Berkley said, walking through his now tidy living room, eyes wide as she took in the cathedral bookcases, track lighting and built-in seating. “This is amazing!”
Shifting, Lawson tried to see it as she would, freshly completed, but his mind was more on getting her upstairs to the bedroom. To that end, he stepped up behind her and looped his arm around her waist. “You know I read a lot.”
“I do, but this...” Tilting her head back, she stared up at the top shelves.
He had a rolling ladder to reach the uppermost books. “Those are all collections. I like to revisit some of them once a year.”
She said “And the seating” with a touch of awe.
“It’s a small space.” Damn it, he was starting to feel embarrassed and he had no idea why. “It made sense to build them to fit the lines of the house.”
She glanced over her shoulder at him. “They look comfortable.”
A hint? Hey, he could be spontaneous. He wanted Berkley, and a bed definitely wasn’t necessary. Urging her to the nearest couch, he drew her down and said, “Why don’t we test it out?”
She giggled—a sound he’d never thought to hear from Berkley—then slapped a hand over her mouth.
Grinning at her, he tugged her onto his lap and into his arms. “I like seeing you happy.”
“I like being happy. I thought I always was, but now, with you, it’s so different.”
“Easier, I hope.”
“Surprisingly so.” Looking at the material on the couch, instead of him, she asked, “Will we mess it up?”
At the moment, he didn’t even care. “No.” Leaning in, he nuzzled her throat.
Her breath caught. “It’s soft.”
Gently, he let her feel his teeth on her shoulder. “And not so soft.”