Zia screwed up her face. "Why? I like Florence."
"Because I'm meant to be hosting a party with Mercury as my official bride coming out party, and I'm not going to do it without you!" Asteria huffed angrily.
Zia laughed. "You're having a coming out ceremony? That's too fucking funny. Why are you nervous?"
"Because I was a servant, and Mercury made me his bride. He doesn't care what anyone thinks about it, but you know how bitchy and elitist the vampires can be," Asteria replied. "I need you there as backup in case someone tries to kill me."
"Okay, okay, I'll come, but I'm not staying," Zia gave in. She could never say no to Asteria. She took a deep breath. "Is he going to be there?"
"If by 'he' you mean Ares Volso, then yes. You know, you never told me what happened there," Asteria said, her tone softening.
"Sorry, babes, it's all in a non-disclosure agreement. I just needed to know he was coming so I could avoid him. Pretty sure if he sees me again, he's going to try ripping my head off," Zia said and had a big mouthful of wine.
"And piss me and Mercury off? Not likely," Asteria replied. "He seems really?—"
There was a knock at Zia's front door. "Sorry! I have to go. Send me details of the party, okay?"
"Zia, you better not be avoiding Inferno because of some guy," Asteria said, but Zia quickly hung up before she could hear any more. It wasn't like she didn't want to tell her best friend about Ares. It was that she couldn't find the right words. She didn't know where to even start. The knock got louder.
"I'm coming! Keep your shirt on!" Zia shouted and hurried to the door. She yanked it open and leaped backward in fright. Ares Volso was leaning against the brick wall in one of his impeccable black suits. Zia closed her eyes and then opened them again. He was still there. Shit.
Ares’s green eyes were brighter now that he was a full vampire, but that was the only change that Zia could see. She didn't know what to say, so she said nothing. Her heart was in her mouth, and she didn't know what would spew out of her if she opened it.
"Tell me what happened between us wasn't an angle you were playing," he demanded.
Zia tried not to let his voice work black magic on her. She had to be strong. She looked him in the eyes and tried to be brave. "No, it wasn't an angle. Hooking up with you was the furthest thing from my mind when I took the job. What happened was just…us."
Ares nodded and straightened. "Invite me in, Lucrezia."
"So you can kill me? Yeah, no thanks," Zia said and crossed her arms. She wished she was better prepared for this meeting. At Asteria's party, she would have been dressed to kill and would've felt like she had armor. Not that had ever worked with Ares. There was no armor Zia possessed that he hadn't gotten through. Even after a month, seeing him made longing try and claw its way through her chest. She was such a damn fool to have ever kissed him back.
"I'm not here to kill you, Lucrezia. I would never cross your father in such a way," Ares said, and she felt an invisible stab in her ribs. So he knew about Claudius. Fucking great.
"If you're not here to kill me, what do you want?" she demanded.
Ares's pulled a thick envelope from his pocket. "I have a new offer for you, and it's not something that can be discussed in a hallway."
"Oh." It was about another job. Gods, she was an idiot. "Please come in."
Ares stepped inside the apartment, and she tried not to breathe in his scent of rosewood and bergamot. Fuck. This was a bad idea.
"You know, I always liked this apartment," Ares commented, looking about. His eyes caught on the painting hanging above the fire, and the smallest smile darted across his lips before it was gone again.
"I'm not going to sell it back to you if that's what you're here for," Zia said and crossed her arms.
Ares shook his head and offered her the envelope. "I'm not here for the apartment."
"Good because I just got it the way I wanted," she replied and opened up the envelope. She unfolded the piece of paper inside, and her heart stopped as she read the three words written on it.
Become my bride.
Zia frowned at the paper and then at him. "What the fuck is this?"
"This is me making you an offer for a new position within the Volso family," Ares replied. He reached out and ran his fingers through her ponytail. "I miss everything about you, including this ridiculous ponytail. You're the only one who has ever made me feel a damn thing, and I can't handle not having you around to argue with me."
"I… I don't understand. I thought you would be angry with me," Zia stammered.
Ares's lips twitched. "Oh, I'm fucking livid with you. I have been since you walked out without saying a word to me. It doesn't change how I feel. I've only ever wanted to be patriarch, and now I have it and everything is like it's in black and white because you aren't with me."