"Take a seat, children. We have important business to discuss," Corven said, his tone like ice.

Ares sat at a striking distance. Red lights were burning in his brain, and his survival instincts were kicking in.

When they were all seated, Zia passed Corven the leather folio. The vampire opened it in front of him and folded his hands. "For the past month, I've employed Lucrezia to do a full assessment of you all for me. I needed an impartial third party to help me decide the family's future."

Ares gripped the arms of his chair so hard, his hands hurt, the words ‘employed Lucrezia’ still rattling through his head. He struggled to take a breath.

Erik burst out laughing. "I thought she was too nice to be a real Volso. You lying little bitch. I can't believe I actually?—"

Corven's merciless gaze locked on him. "Show some respect when you speak to her, or I will tear out your tongue. You owe money to the sorcerer Galen Murphey and Lord Thor." Erik began to protest, but the vampire hissed. "Shut your fucking mouth, Erik. You are a disgrace and have weakened the Volso family's position within the council. You are going to Switzerland to rehab. You will do as you're fucking told, and when I feel like I'm not going to kill you, I will let you return. Now, get out of my sight. There is a car waiting downstairs for you."

Erik looked like he was going to throw up. He scrambled out of the room without another word, probably the smartest thing he'd done all year.

Corven looked at Emilia. "You're going to university in Paris to study fashion. Pack your things. Your party girl days are done. It's time to turn your mind to something edifying."

"Thank you, Corven," Emilia whispered and hurried out of the room without looking at anyone.

Ares was still waiting for Zia to look at him, but she kept her eyes forward and face blank. Hurt and betrayal were snaking through his veins like poison. How much of the past week was just a job to her?

Corven glanced over at Camille. "Your charity is being used to launder money for a werewolf cartel."

"What! Corven, I swear I had no idea!" Camille shouted, tears in her eyes.

"I know you didn't, but maybe it would have been more obvious that something was wrong if you weren't fucking your board members. The charity will now be dissolved, and this mess with the fucking werewolves will be handed over to the proper authorities. Never shit where you eat, Cami. There's also a car downstairs to take you to Ireland for a few months until this debacle blows over. Get out," Corven snapped. Camille covered her face with her hands and hurried away sobbing.

Ares waited for the ax to fall on his head. He was going completely numb. Corven looked up at Zia. "Thank you for all of your help and assistance in this matter. Your fee has been transferred. I hope to do business again with you in the future. Please thank your father for me."

Zia bowed to Corven. "Happy to be of service to you, my lord." She left the room without a word of goodbye or a glance in Ares's direction.

The numbness in Ares wasn't enough to stop feeling the knife slicing into his black heart and leaving it in pieces.


Ares couldn't breathe, couldn't think. His heart was beating too fast, and the room was spinning.

"Now that the rest have been taken care of, you and I have some important matters to discuss," Corven said, leaning back in his chair.

"Who…Who was she?" Ares asked, his voice breaking. "Why her?"

"Lucrezia has a very rare Truth magic inherited by her father, Claudius Pelas."

"The fucking chairman? The chairman is her father?" Ares demanded. He put his head in his hands. Oh gods, he had been such a fucking fool. She knew every time he lied to her. When any of them did.

"Yes. I can see you're upset by this, Ares, but she is the best at what she does, and Claudius is an old friend. She got more information from this family in a week than I have in years." Corven tapped his long nails against the polished wood. "I'm sorry I have been so disconnected from what's been happening in the family. You have cleaned up too many messes, and I would have made you my heir months ago if you had told me about any of them."

Ares looked up from his hands. "You are meant to protect your family. I was trying to help and not cause more stress for you."

Corven let out a long sigh. "My dear boy. You are the only one in this family with any honor left at all."

"What else did your spy tell you about me?" Ares asked. He couldn't bear to even say her name. Had she told him about Ares having magic? About killing Mars?

"She sent me her report recommending you as my heir days ago. She told me about the attacks on her life and that Mars was the one to kill Kristofer. I'm sorry I didn't kill Mars myself. I hoped without the influence of your father… I'm sorry, Ares. For everything," Corven said sincerely.

"Are you sorry about paying your spy to seduce me? Was that part of your fucking deal with her as well?" Ares demanded, his self-preservation non-existent.

Corven's brows shot up. "Seduce you? Dear boy, if I wanted to hire someone to seduce you, I would have selected someone cheaper than Lucrezia Pelas. I don't know what happened between you, but it was never a part of my deal with her." Corven got to his feet and buttoned his jacket. "Now, on your feet. We are expected at the council in thirty minutes, where I will present you as my heir. Your appointments and responsibilities within the company are on hold indefinitely."

Ares got to his feet. "Thank you, Corven. I will… I will meet you downstairs. I'd like to change before going to the council."