Page 95 of Girl Betrayed

She spoke, hesitantly. “Jake?”

When he looked up, the storm of pain in his eyes made Dana feel like she was being swept out to sea. She rushed to his side. “What’s wrong? Is it Claire? Your mother?”

He shook his head and handed her the yellow Post-it note that had been crushed in his hand. “It’s my father. I think I found him.”

Her eyes widened. “You spoke to him?”

“Not exactly. Voicemail. It was in French, but it was his voice, Dana, I know it.”

“Did you leave a message?”

He shook his head. “Didn’t want to spook him. The country code is France. I need to trace the number, use it to get a last known, then go there.”

“To France?”

“If that’s where he is.”

Dana resisted every selfish objection to ask him to stay. Jake was always there for her. It was her turn to repay the favor. She knew he needed to do this, and she’d asked for the space to prove herself. It was time she delivered.

“I’d go with you if I could,” she said, reaching for his hand.

“I know. But Claire …”

“And the case …”

“Maybe it would be better if you came. Both of you. Out of D.C., somewhere safe.”

She gave him a look. “Jake …”

“Yeah, I know,” he said. “But I had to ask.”

“When are you leaving?”

“I don’t know. As soon as I can get a trace and clear up this suspension situation.”

“I’m sure it won’t be long,” she assured him.

“Yeah, but my lawyer will have to file an appeal.” Jake rubbed the weariness from his face. “I don’t want to think about the red tape involved. Tell me how it went with the BAU.”

Dana sighed.

“That bad?”

“No, the team is great, it’s just … I never thought I’d miss working with a grumpy, skeptical soldier so much.”

He laughed. “If that was your attempt at flattery, you’ve got some work to do, Gray.”

“I’m serious. We work well because we’re both so stubborn in our beliefs. Whenever those beliefs intersect in a case, we know we’re on the right path. With the BAU, they take each lead like its law and immediately dissect every possible way it could fit within the case.”

Jake smirked. “Like bending puzzle pieces.”


“Something me and Jenks used to say anytime the BAU got involved. They mean well, and they’re good at what they do, but you’re right, they’ll bend an arrow to make a theory fit.”

She flopped back on the couch. “Tell me about it.”

“Who’s on the team?” Jake asked.