Page 75 of Girl Betrayed

Dana heard Jake’s voice in her mind.Gain before you give.She wasn’t granting a favor unless she could get one in return. The question was … what to ask for?

“Why Meredith?” Dana asked, stalling.

“Her name has come up in our investigation. I’m just seeing if any dots connect.”

“Dots as in Dr. Dvita?”

Spector’s intense blue eyes bore into Dana’s. “You have a keen sense of suspicion. I see why Agent Shepard liked working with you. Shame about him.”

Dana gritted her teeth, wishing people would stop saying that in the past tense. “If I do this, what do I get in return?”

“I’ll owe you a chit.”

A favor from Homeland Security? It was a veritable get out of jail free card. Something to keep in her back pocket for a rainy day.

Trouble was, Dana wasn’t much for rainy days.

She reached inside her shirt, her fingers tightening around the dog tags, knowing exactly what favor to cash in on.


Claire’s heartpounded as her feet left the ground. The burly arms around her nearly squeezed the life out of her. But she didn’t care. She threw her arms around Max’s neck in relief and squeezed back. “I was so worried about you,” she squeaked. “Are you okay?”

Max set her gently back on her feet and nodded, kissing her with the ferocity she craved.

“Where have you been?”

He quickly signed his reply.

Claire shivered to think he’d been hiding in places like this since the fire. None of this was his fault, but he was the perfect scapegoat. Labeled as violent and non-verbal, the authorities wouldn’t hesitate to blame Hayes’ and now Cash’s death on him. But they didn’t understand Max. No one did but her.

Claire spoke as she signed. “It’s okay. I’m here now. I’m going to take care of you.”

Max leaned down, stroking a strand of hair from Claire’s cheek as gently as if he was caressing a butterfly. She stood on her toes and kissed him again. His lips were cold, but they still spread a warmth through her that she couldn’t explain. She wanted it to be like this forever. Just her and Max, together in anew life. One that they could still have. They just had to keep him hidden for a little while longer.

Betty’s presence pulled Claire from Max’s embrace. “I told you to stay hidden,” Betty scolded.

Max ignored her, standing resolutely behind Claire. “What’s the plan?” she asked.

“I was hoping you had one,” Betty replied.

Claire took Max’s hand. “He needs somewhere to hide.”

“This was the best I could find on short notice,” Betty said. “But I agree, we need something more permanent.”

“I might have a place,” Claire offered. She fished her keychain out of her pocket and pulled off the key to her storage unit. “It’s not perfect, but it’s safe and at least out of the cold.”


Claire explained where her storage unit was. “I have some furniture and a few boxes of my things there. Fresh clothes, bedding. You’ll be comfortable there,” she said while signing to Max. “We can get you some food, too.”

“I’ll get the food and get Max settled,” Betty interrupted, snatching the key. “You two can’t be seen together.”


“You’re under house arrest with an FBI agent and a shrink. It should be obvious.”

“Dr. Gray isn’t a shrink. And I told you, they don’t know anything.”