Page 57 of Girl Betrayed

Dana waited to press her further until they were back in the warmth of her car. “Who’s the girl you were talking to? A friend?”

“What?” Claire asked, visibly distracted.

“The girl with the red hair. I saw you two talking. Is she the one you were telling us about when Dr. Dvita came over?”

“Oh, um, yeah. That’s Kylie, er Betty. I’m not sure what to call her now that we’re not at Passages.”

Dana nodded. “I can imagine. You’ve been through so much, Claire. I’m glad you have Dr. Dvita, and Betty, but I want you to know that I’m someone you can confide in too if you need help making sense of things.”

Claire crossed her arms, angling her body toward Dana. “I’ve been interrogated by the police, my psychiatrist, and today I had to listen to a bunch of rehab patients spew vigilante justice for the last hour. If there’s something you want to ask me, just ask it already.”

Dana merged into traffic, keeping her attention on the road. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to interrogate you. I’m just scared. I want to help, but I don’t know how.” Dana reached across the car, her palm extended.

Claire hesitated, but finally took it. “I’m scared, too,” she whispered. “And I’m not mad at you for being suspicious. I would be too if the situation was reversed.”

“Then let me in and we can tackle this together.”

“What do you want to know?” Claire asked.


Claire took a deep breath, exhaling it with the weight of the world. “Then I think you better pull over.”

Dana was stillbusy digesting Claire’s play-by-play from the St. Ann’s session. She was trying to keep everyone straight and the code names weren’t helping. There was Max, Lincoln (aka Cash), Betty (aka Kylie), and Taft (aka Hayes). Instinct made her wantto have Jake run background checks on all of them, but she knew that would just launch another lecture about staying out of the way and letting the DOJ do their job.

Claire spoke up. “Do you think you could help me look for Max? I’m really worried about him being out on his own. He’s never left Passages before.”


“No. His mother was a patient there. She was pregnant when she was admitted, and she had him there.”

Dana blinked. “I need more details.”

“She died due to complications during delivery. Max had no one else so Dr. Dvita took him into his care so he wouldn’t become a ward of the state. He’s been at Passages ever since, which is why I’m so worried about him. He’s out here on his own for the first time and no one else seems to care.”

Dana drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, lost in thought. “I think we should talk to Jake. This is his area of expertise.”

“Finding people is his superpower,” Claire agreed. “But I know he has his hands full searching for his father.”

“I guess that just means we’ll have to divide and conquer,” Dana said, starting the engine.

“Where are we going?” Claire asked.

“Jake invited us for lunch.”

Claire perked up. “Really? That’s perfect. There’s this new Thai restaurant Betty told me about that I’ve been dying to try.”

“Actually…” Dana filled Claire in on Jake’s invitation to help him with his research. “Unless you’re uncomfortable going to the FBI headquarters.”

“No, why would that bother me?”

Dana kept her eyes on the road. “It’s an intimidating place.”

Claire gave her a dubious smirk. “We work in a dark underground bunker surrounded by death. I think I can handle a stuffy office building.”

The comment was so quintessentially Claire, it made Dana’s shoulders sag with relief. She’d missed her friend and colleague. Even the slightest glimpse of her old witty banter filled Dana with renewed hope. She knew they still had a long road ahead of them to rebuild the bonds that had been severed, but today, Claire had given her an inch, and Dana was willing to make up the mile.

She was just about to put the car in drive when Claire spoke. “Can we please go to my storage unit first? I’m tired of wearing clothes that are three decades too old for me.”