Page 45 of Girl Betrayed

Jake cut a glare across the room that could’ve shut down a firing squad, but Dana ignored it, her eyebrows raised in question. “New Orleans and your dad?”

Now it was Jake’s turn to backpedal. “You’re right. It is late.”

“Too late for you to drive home,” Claire interjected. “You should stay here tonight.”

“She’s right,” Dana agreed. “I’ll be up working, you can take my room,” she offered, quickly adding, “just for tonight.”

Jake guffawed. “I’m not kicking you out of your bedroom.”

“You won’t be. Like I said, I planned to get some work done, so I’ll be in my home office. There’s a couch in there. I usually end up sleeping there when I’m in the middle of a research project anyway.”

“What are you working on?” Claire asked. “Anything I can help with?”

Dana shook her head. “I’m just tying up some loose ends.”

Claire shrugged through a yawn. “Well, you know where to find me if you need help.”

Dana watched her disappear into the kitchen with the popcorn bowl and the last of the takeout containers.

“Dana,” Jake started. “I can just stay on the couch.”

The idea was laughable. Jake’s giant frame took up most of her antique sofa when he was sitting. Sleeping there wouldn’t be good for his back, or her beloved piece of vintage furniture. “It’s not a big deal, Jake. It’s one night. Just take my room. It’s not like we’re making it a habit.”

A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “It wouldn’t be the worst habit, would it?” he asked, his voice sultry and low.

There was a sudden clatter in the kitchen and Claire swore. “Sorry. I-I just dropped a plate.”

Dana took a step back from Jake, her glare instantly shutting down his flirtation before she turned to march toward the kitchen.

“You okay?” Dana asked, rushing to help Claire who was dumping chipped pieces of ceramic into the trash.

“Yeah. Sorry, it just slipped. I’m really sorry.”

“Claire, it’s okay. It’s just a bowl. I’m not worried about it.” But Claire’s eyes were already welling with tears. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Claire shook her head, flinching away from Dana when she tried to reach for her. “Nothing. I’m just tired. I’m gonna go to bed.”

Dana watched Claire flee the kitchen, ducking past Jake on her way down the hall, slamming her door shut. He stood there, a look of bewilderment on his face. “What was that all about?”

Dana crossed her arms, jaw muscles ticking. “I have work to do. If you’re staying, there’s fresh towels in the linen closet. Try not to break any other irreplaceable artifacts this time.”

Then she breezed past him and slammed her own door.


Jake had been watchingthe red digits tick by one by one for over an hour. If he could speed time by sheer willpower, the digital alarm clock next to Dana’s bed would’ve melted by now. After seeing steam come out her ears, he knew better than to make the short trip down the hall to her office. He’d learned rushing the stubborn woman never helped. She’d come talk to him when she was ready. But in the meantime, he was going stir crazy.

He'd just finished changing the alarm clock to military time when there was a light knock on the bedroom door. “You awake?”

Like he could sleep.“Yeah.”

Dana hurried through the door, instantly filling the air with a nervous energy that had Jake on his feet. “What’s wrong?”

Instead of answering, she grabbed his hand and dragged him into her bathroom. When she locked the door behind him and turned on the shower, his hope soared. But as soon as Dana began speaking in a rushed urgent whisper, he knew her mind was somewhere else entirely.

Tamping down his disappointment, he pulled his mind out of the gutter and focused on the information spewing from Dana’sgorgeous mouth. “Whoa, slow down. What are you talking about?”

“Claire,” she whispered. “After everything Dr. Dvita and Meredith said and what I just researched tonight, I’m worried. I think she’s involved in the Congressman’s murder.”