“Black robes and scythes. I heard them talking about it plain as day.”
“I don’t know, there were four of them. They all go by these ridiculous code names. The only ones I know for sure are Claire and Congressman Hayes. He goes by Taft, but I recognized him from my time on the Hill. He’s a total prick, bythe way. Definitely not a good crowd she’s running with. The orderly seemed nice enough, but the red-haired little thing is a sociopath.”
“Did you tell Dr. Dvita all of this?”
Meredith shrugged. “Mostly. I wanted to make it clear I was done helping.”
“But did you tell him what you heard Claire say? Specifically, about the scythe?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
Dana scratched her head, unable to stop herself from pacing the length of the tiny room. “That doesn’t make sense,” she muttered to herself, but Meredith interrupted her thoughts.
“It doesn’t have to make sense to be true.”
Dana stopped in her tracks, whirling on her friend. “Mere, try to remember! What exactly did you tell Dr. Dvita you heard?”
“I don’t know. What’s the big deal?”
“Congressman Hayes is dead. Someone slit his throat with a scythe.”
Meredith blinked in disbelief. “What? When?”
Dana held up the photo again. “Shortly after this photo of you and Claire was taken with him.”
The color drained from Meredith’s face. “What are you saying? You think I’m in danger?”
“I don’t know. I was brought in to help identify the murder weapon, but I’m not officially working this case.”
“What about Jake?”
“He doesn’t have any more information than I do at the moment. The whole thing is being kept tight-lipped due to political ramifications.”
“Dana, if I’m in trouble, I need to know I’m being protected.”
Seeing her visible distress, Dana sat down on Meredith’s bed, taking her friend’s hands. “I didn’t come here to frighten you. There’s no reason to believe you’re in danger.”
“Dana, I know what I heard. Claire said the word scythe and then a Congressman was murdered with one. That’s not a coincidence. If she thinks I can implicate her and her friends they’re going to try to tie up loose ends.”
“You’re sure you heard her say that?”
Meredith’s eyes were pleading. “I know I’m in a psych ward, but I know what I heard, Dana. I wouldn’t make something like this up. Especially not when things are starting to look up for me.”
“What do you mean?”
“My sister’s been by to visit. Abby even said she’s willing to bring my niece by soon. And she’s going to live stream her wedding so I can be a part of it. Plus, she’s helped me get a new lawyer, who says if I keep cooperating, I can possibly get my sentence reduced and get out of here before the end of time. I’m not going to do anything to screw that up.”
Warmth filled Dana’s chest, momentarily driving away the chill Meredith’s revelation filled her with. “I’m so happy to hear Abby’s back in your life.”
“Me too,” Meredith whispered through a teary smile. “Dana, I know Claire is your friend. But I was your friend once, too.”
“You still are, Mere. That’s why I’m here. I told you I’m not giving up on you and I meant it.”
“Then promise me you’ll be careful around Claire. If there’s one thing I know, it’s when someone isn’t in control of themselves. She reminds me of myself, or at least how I was before I got help.”
“Claire’s getting help, too. I’m taking her to see Dr. Dvita tomorrow.”