Page 138 of Girl Betrayed

“This is where it gets interesting,” Richter said. “According to Max’s letter, it sounded like Claire was orchestrating the whole thing.”

“That doesn’t make any sense,” Jake argued. “Dvita is obviously the master mind. Look at this place. Claire’s the only one who didn’t kill anyone in this Reaper scenario.”

“That’s not true,” Dana said, staring at him. “She thought she killed Hartwell. He was the seventh. And she ordered the assassination on Mere at the hospital.”

“That makes no sense,” Jake said. “Why wouldn’t Dvita plan to be the last one standing so he could bring back Annabelle?”

“I think that was his plan, but Max and Claire had other plans.” Richter handed Dana his phone. On it was a photograph of a scythe with the same Latin inscription on the blade as all the others. It was in a small nondescript room surrounded by boxes, but Dana recognized it immediately. “That’s my attic.”

“We found the seventh and final scythe there.”

Jake swore. “That’s how she did it!”

“Did what?” Dana asked.

“The night she snuck out to meet Kylie and Max, she said she snuck out the window, but I knew she was lying because I had security cameras set up. The window never opened, but Claire came and went somehow. Is there access to the attic from your guest room?”

Dana nodded. “Through the closet.”

“We believe she was saving the final scythe for you, Dr. Gray,” Richter said, handing a copy of another letter to Dana. “This was found in Max Durnin’s stolen vehicle as well. We believe Claire wrote this one. We just need Dr. Gray to identify the handwriting.”

Dana read a few lines before her hands began shaking too badly to continue. “It’s her handwriting,” Dana whispered, a choked sob slipping free.

Jake intervened, taking the letter from her. “That’s enough.”

“I’m sorry,” Richter said as Jake escorted Dana out of the house of horrors.


The sun was settingas Dana walked out of the precinct on Indiana Avenue. She was surprised to see Jake standing on the curb, his silhouette cutting a sharp line against the burnt orange backdrop of D.C. at sunset. His interview had been over hours ago. The fact that he was still wearing the FBI sweats he’d changed into after surrendering his clothes as evidence told her he hadn’t gone home yet. “I told you not to wait,” she said as he opened the car door for her.

“You did,” he answered. “I waited anyway.”

“Jake, I don’t have the energy for this.”

“Neither do I,” he replied. “Let’s go home, shower, sleep for three days, eat our weight in take out. Any order you want.”

He tried to pull her into his arms, but her resistance made him hesitate. Taking a step back, Jake rubbed his jaw. “Dana, I don’t know the right way through this, but I know it’ll be a helluva lot easier if we try to figure it out together.”

“I can’t,” she whispered. “This is killing me.”

“Do you think this doesn’t kill me, too?” he asked, his voice cracking with emotion. “I loved Claire. I covered for her. I believed her. She betrayed me, too.”

“I know,” Dana sobbed. “But when I look at you … I see her. And I just can’t right now.”

She turned to walk away but Jake reached for her, grabbing her hand. “Dana, I know you think you need to do this alone, but trust me, I’ve been there. It doesn’t make it any easier.”

Dana swallowed her tears. “You’re probably right. But I need to try.” Then she turned her back and walked away.

Dana went backto her home alone. The crime scene tape greeted her, but mercifully all the agents had left. The inside was eerily quiet, so she turned on music while she showered. Anything to drown the silence.

Finally clean, she went to the kitchen and made herself a cup of tea before forcing herself to sit down and face the letter she hadn’t been able to finish reading at Dvita’s.

She’s like us Max,she’ll welcome it. She craves the darkness like we do. She’s taught me everything I know. Death is the most beautiful gift I can give Dana. Then she’ll be with us forever. Just stick with the plan. You take out Dvita. I wish I could be with you to see his eyes when the light fades. I wish I could be the one to give him what he deserves. But we all have our part to play. I’ll take care of Dana. I’m saving her for last.

Dana closed her eyes,forcing back the sting of tears.

How had Claire gotten it so wrong?If she thought Dana welcomed death, her protégé hadn’t known her at all.