Page 134 of Girl Betrayed

“Claire, don’t do this,” Jake warned. “I don’t want to shoot.”

Dana shook her head wildly. “She’s not going to hurt me, Jake. Right, Claire? Tell him you won’t hurt me. I know you’re still in there, Claire. Just tell me what you need.”

“The keys,” she sneered, edging even closer to the cruiser.

“Here!” Lennox shouted, catching Claire’s attention as he dangled the keys. He and Meredith had been inching closer to the porch. They now stood only a few feet from Jake. “I have the keys,” Lennox said. “Just take them and go.”

“Throw them here,” Claire demanded.

Lennox looked to Jake. He nodded and Lennox tossed the keys toward Claire and Dana. They landed near Dana’s feet. Now was Jake’s chance. Claire was bending for the keys. Dana just needed to lean the opposite way and he’d have a clear shot. He locked eyes with Dana jerking his chin to the left, but she met his gaze with forlorn defiance, and shook her head.

“Move,” he mouthed, willing her to listen just this once so they could end this.

But she stood still, her eyes never leaving Jake’s as she mouthed two words that shattered his heart. “I’m sorry.”

Her words spurned Jake into action. This was not how their story ended. Jake lunged, grabbing Dana’s discarded weapon, and calling Lennox’s name as he leapt down the steps and tossed him the gun. Lennox caught it, but the gun-shy officer was too slow. He took aim, but Claire’s finger was already on the trigger.

A deafening pop tore through the night and Lennox dropped to the ground.


Meredith shrieked.Helpless with her hands cuffed behind her, she could do nothing but watch the young police officer to her right take a bullet to the chest. He hit the ground, his final sound a sickening wheeze as he fell face down into the wet leaves.

Blood seeped through the back of his pale blue uniform shirt like a gruesome ink blot. He hadn’t been wearing a vest. From the amount of blood, it would take a miracle to save him.

Shouting drew Meredith’s attention back to the scene. Claire was at the car now, Dana a living shield blocking Jake’s shot. Meredith stood there trembling as she listened to Jake begging for Dana’s life.

“Drop the gun, Claire!” Jake screamed. “Do not make me shoot you!”

“Jake, don’t do it!” Dana pleaded. “She won’t hurt me. Tell him, Claire. Just let us help you.” Dana caught Meredith’s eye and changed tactics. “Mere, tell her. We can help her like we helped you.”

“Th-that’s right,” Meredith stammered. “Dana will help you.”

Claire laughed. “She didn’t help you, Meredith. You live in a cage. That will never be me. And you shouldn’t even be here. Isent someone to take care of you.” Claire cackled. “Your death would’ve been a mercy killing. But somehow you always survive. But maybe not this time. Not when I take Dana from you. Your little good luck charm.”

Jake nodded to Meredith like he wanted her to keep talking, but she was out of words. What Claire said rang true. What kind of a life did Meredith have? Nothing could make up for what she’d done, the lives she’d taken. She’d always be locked away at St. Elizabeth’s or someplace worse.

She looked at Claire, frightened when she recognized her own reflection in the wild-eyed girl. Meredith had once been her, determined and deranged. Driven by the infallible belief she was serving a higher power. She knew the seduction of that pull, just like she knew Jake and Dana would never be able to reach the girl they’d once believed her to be.

They were out of time.

Claire reached for the door, releasing her hold on Dana.

Dana tried to stand her ground, tried to shield Claire from the shot Jake would surely take, but Claire kicked her out of the way.

For one silent heartbeat, Claire stood at the open door of the police cruiser, Dana crumpled at her feet, gun pointed at Jake. In the next, an explosion of gunfire ripped through the night.

Meredith didn’t feel the pain at first; only Jake’s arms around her as she fell, the shocked look of horror on his face as he called her name. But she barely heard it as the bed of damp leaves rose up to cradle her head.

Her chest felt warm as she stared at the leaves, at ease knowing she’d done the right thing. Dana had saved Meredith time and time again. This time, she got to repay the favor by saving the man that meant everything to Dana.

It was the right choice. The only choice.

Dana and Jake could have a life.

Meredith’s was over a long time ago.

She let her eyes close, clinging to the peaceful redemption of paying one more debt before leaving the world behind.