Page 126 of Girl Betrayed

“What are you thinking?” Dana asked, seeing the concern on his face.

“Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to get out of town for a bit.”

“Is that allowed?” Dana asked.

Jake cut a glare at her, keeping his voice low. “She’s not a suspect.”

“I know that,” Dana whispered. “I’m the first to admit I was wrong. This case …” she shook her head. “It was different from the others. And I can’t shake this feeling that it’s unresolvedsomehow.” Sighing, she added. “I don’t know. Maybe you’re right. A change of scenery would help clear our heads.”

“We have been staring at the same four walls for a while now. I know I could use some fresh air.”

“What were you thinking?” she asked.

“The cabin is great this time of year.”

A mix of emotions crashed over Dana at the mention of Jake’s cabin. They’d been through so much there; good, and bad. But it was a flush of warm memories that filled her cheeks when she responded. “The cabin sounds perfect.”

Jake reached over and took her hand from her lap. He threaded his fingers through hers, settling them on the console between them. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

His grin melted the last bit of cold still clinging to her bones, and she couldn’t help but smile back. “There’s something I need to take care of first.”


Relief sweptthrough Dana the moment she spotted Meredith. Mere stood on the opposite side of the hospital door, grinning at Dana as they both waited for the metallic buzz to come, unlocking the door. The moment it happened, Dana rushed into the room, wrapping Meredith in a fierce embrace.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Dana whispered, holding her friend tight.

“Me?” Meredith leaned back so she could look at Dana. “You’re the one I was worried about.”

Dana waved her off. “I’m fine.”

Meredith shook her head. “No, you’re not. And that’s okay. Working these cases can’t be easy.”

Dana sighed. “At least this one is over.”

“And thanks to you, I’m still alive,” Meredith said, tears welling in her eyes. “I truly can’t thank you enough.”

“You just keep getting better. That’s all the thanks I need.”

“I am,” Meredith said, “Getting better, I mean. I owe that opportunity to you, too.” She took Dana’s hands. “Thank you for never giving up on me.”

Dana grinned, noting the tiny ladybug charm dangling from Meredith’s wrist. It was identical to the one Dana wore on hercharm bracelet. One that not too long ago had made her think she’d lost her best friend forever. Time was a funny thing.

“I still can’t believe Dvita wasn’t the D.C. Reaper.”

“I know, me too,” Dana said. “So much of this case still doesn’t add up.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you more the first time you came asking about Claire.”

“Yeah, why didn’t you?”

Meredith shrugged. “I’ve already caused you enough pain for one lifetime. I didn’t want to accuse Claire when I had no proof of what was really going on. Besides, look where I am. How much weight do my accusations really hold?”

“Mere, you’re my friend. You’ll always be my friend. I would’ve believed you.”

Meredith squeezed Dana’s hand, grinning through tears. “You don’t know how much that means to me.”

Dana pulled her into a fierce hug, and it took both of them a moment to collect themselves.