“Then who?”
“I don’t know. But we’re gonna figure it out just like we always do, okay?”
She didn’t look convinced, but this time, Dana didn’t resist when Jake pulled her into his arms. She clung to him, finally releasing the stress she’d been carrying. Guilt tightened his chest knowing his disappearing act had added to it.
Rage shrieked inside his veins at the thought of anyone hurting Dana. The fact that it was him … it was too much to bear.
Holding her tighter was the only way to quiet his demons.
Jake surrendered, burying his face in Dana’s soft brown hair. Inhaling her soothing floral scent instantly brought him back to their intimate moment in his apartment.
Jake wanted more of those moments. More of her.
With Dana in his arms a foreign feeling settled over him.Home.
To some it might not mean much, but to Jake Shepard it was everything.
He was used to fitting his life into his rucksack, moving from mission to mission, never settling, never connecting. A man with a country, with a conscience, yes. But never a man with a home.
Dana changed all of that.
He hadn’t wanted her to. But it happened all the same.
Jake lived his life by a code. He’d been called to protect and serve his country above all else. He saw things in black and white, following policy and procedure to the letter. First in the Army and now the FBI. He still believed in his calling. But Danahad introduced shades of gray into his black and white world changing it forever.
Somehow when he wasn’t looking, she’d shifted the order of things.
Now, no matter what the cost, he knew he would protect and serve her above all else.
It made him feel even more foolish for leaving her behind when he went to Nevada. That place was a house, but never a home. It wasn’t his mother’s fault. It wasn’t even Wade’s. But Jake needed to stop letting his past rule his life. Instead, he wanted to focus on the woman in his arms and building a future with her.
Leaning back, so he could look into those gorgeous brown eyes, Jake gently tipped Dana’s chin up. “I’m sorry I left. But I’m back now and I’m not going anywhere, okay?”
She gave a weak nod, but that wasn’t good enough. Jake needed her to know he meant it this time. Plain and simple, he was done biding his time. He was choosing her.
The moonlight lapped at the milk-white skin of her neck, making Jake’s tongue ache to trace its path. He preferred actions over words, but Jake knew one word could get his point across better than anything. “Dana, I came back for you. I won’t walk away again. I promise.”
Dana knewfew things for certain. The earth was round. Death was inevitable. And Jake Shepard didn’t do promises.
Yet here he was, standing in front of her, looking devilishly handsome, making promises—to her.
She didn’t know what to do with it.
Luckily, Jake did. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, his blue eyes sparkling as he cupped her cheeks. “Tell me that’s what you want.”
Too shocked to speak, Dana nodded.
It was all the confirmation Jake needed. He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her breathless again. He tasted like cinnamon, like safety, like home—like hers.
For one blissful moment she let herself get swept away. But too quickly it was over.
Ever cognizant of danger, Jake pulled back. “Get your things. We’ll stay at my place tonight.”
“But Claire might come here.”
“What part of someone was in your house did you not understand?”