Page 111 of Girl Betrayed

“Why not?”

“That’s not part of the game.”

“I wasn’t aware we were playing a game. What are the rules?”

“Ask her,” the voice said.



Dana shivered at hearing her friend’s name spoken by the other worldly voice.

“We’re not here to talk about Claire. We’re talking about Meredith.”

The voice tsked with disapproval. “Meredith wouldn’t play this game.”

“Why not?”

“She’s afraid.”

“Afraid of what?”

“Her destiny.”

“What’s her destiny?”

Claire twitched again, her head thrashing back and forth warring with whatever was possessing her, because Dana was more convinced than ever that she was under the spell of some sort of poltergeist.

“Stay with me, Claire,” the therapist instructed. “You’re safe. Breathe.”

But Claire was panting, gasping for air.

“We need to stop,” Dana demanded. “Bring her out of it.”

The therapist held her hand up to silence Dana.

“Claire, you’re safe. Go back into the hallway and count with me. When you get to one, you’re going to wake up. But I want you to keep your eyes closed and tell me the last thing you see.”










Claire stilled, her entire body slack for a moment. Then, she spoke; in her voice this time. “Seven must sleep for all to rise.”