Page 10 of Girl Betrayed

She wanted him here so badly it physically hurt. But she knew whatever he was dealing with in Nevada must be important if he wasn’t calling her back. Especially after her last voicemail.

“Jenkins, I can’t sit around and do nothing. Let me help,” Dana pleaded. “I know Claire. I know her habits, how she thinks, where she might go.”

“As I’ve said, Metro PD and our agents are canvassing the areas nearest the facility. You’ve assisted with identifying the murder weapon. Now the best way you can help is to go home.” Dana started to interrupt but Jenkins cut her off. “You’re right, you know. The first place Claire would go is most likely somewhere familiar. Somewhere she feels safe, like your home. She could be there waiting for you as we speak.”

Dana knew Jenkins was placating her, but she couldn’t argue the logic. “Claire would call me.”

“Patients at the rehab facility aren’t allowed to have cell phones,” Jenkins replied. “If Claire left in a hurry, she doesn’t have a way to contact you. Go home, Dana. Wait for her there. IfI hear anything I’ll call you. But right now, the best thing you can do is let us do our jobs.”


The momentthe wheels touched tarmac Jake was on his feet. He didn’t believe in abusing the badge, but he wasn’t waiting a second longer to deboard his flight. He discreetly flipped his FBI shield at the flight attendant and was promptly escorted to the exit.

Jake jogged down the gangway, his phone to his ear. “Come on, Dana. Pick up.”

With each unanswered ring, he gained speed, as if that would be enough to make up for his neglect.

When Jake left Nevada, he’d planned a much different homecoming. He’d even let himself imagine picking up a bottle of champagne, maybe some flowers. Instead, he was racing against the clock, hoping he wasn’t too late.Again.

He’d made it all the way to the airport without listening to his voicemails. He didn’t want anything to change his mind. Not work, not Dana’s insistence on getting the timing right. He was going home to her, and he planned on telling her he wanted to be with her, come hell or high water.

But the damn notifications on his phone kept taunting him.

Once he boarded and found his seat, he caved. Skipping over the message from Jenkins, Jake listened to the voicemails from Dana first.

He was grateful he was in the air by the time he got around to her most recent one. Hearing about the incident at Claire’s rehab clinic made him want to jump from the plane to get home faster.

Trying to remain rational, Jake swiped his credit card so he could access the plane’s Wi-Fi. He checked the D.C. news first, but the reporter’s words couldn’t penetrate the loop in his mind. He kept hearing Dana’s terrified voice over and over. “Claire’s missing, Jake. If something’s happened to her … I know you’d be here if you could. Jake, I-I …” She paused. “Just call me, okay? Please.”

The fear in her voice tore Jake in two. He should’ve been there for Dana. For Claire, too. Christ! If anything happened to them while he was away, he’d never forgive himself.

Jake managed to focus long enough to listen to Jenkins’ voicemail. He replied to both Dana and Jenkins via text but got no response. The little checkmark next to each sent text assured him the messages were going through, but it did nothing to calm Jake’s nerves.

He’d hoped to get answers once he was on the ground but both Jenkins’ and Dana’s calls went to voicemail.

Anger and fear reached a boiling point as Jake peeled out of the airport parking garage. Instinct and training allowed him to navigate the slick D.C. roads at breakneck speeds.

He tried Jenkins again. This time she answered. “Shep, I can’t talk right now. Like I told Dana, I’ll call if I have any new information regarding Claire.”

“You spoke to Dana? Where is she?”

“I sent her home. Are you back in D.C.?”

“Just landed. What do you mean you sent her home? Where was she?”

“Glad you’re back, Shep. You should check on Dana. She’ll fill you in. I told her to wait at home in case Claire shows up there, but she had that look in her eyes.”

Jake knew it well. Dana was headstrong and had a history of doing whatever she thought was necessary to get answers, especially if it involved someone she loved. It was something Jake adored about the woman. But it also drove him crazy. “I’m headed to her place right now.”

“Good. And Shep, a word of advice, stay away from this case.”

“Jenks, you know I can’t do that if it involves Claire.”

“You’d better hope it doesn’t.”

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“I’d say more if I could, but this is turning into a National Security nightmare. I’ve gotta go.”