“Okay, so if it’s not political, what’s the agenda? Who’s behind it? The fact that no one has claimed responsibility, domestic or abroad makes me think you’re right. This is serial.”
Dana chewed her nails, lost in thought. She looked up at Jake. “Even if we’re right, there’s not much to go on. I have plenty of research to compile a profile based on Grim Reaper rituals, but Hartwell has no prints, no DNA, and Agent Spector won’t give me access to the weapons, or any other shred of evidence. Without it, the haystack’s too broad.”
“The Alchemist examined Hayes with you, right? He photo catalogs every case he’s ever worked on. I’m sure he’d give you access.”
Dana sighed. “I’m afraid I burned that bridge.”
The crease between Jake’s brow deepened. “What do you mean?”
“Turns out our friend the Alchemist is as loyal as the media when it comes to gossip.”
Jake couldn’t contain his grin. “And let me guess, you gave him a piece of your mind?”
“I may have said I’d rather go down with the ship than change with the tides.”
An actual laugh escaped him. “And that’s why I love you.”
“Yeah,” Dana paused. “About that.”
“You can’t suddenly say that word like it doesn’t mean something.”
“Who said it doesn’t mean something?” Jake took her by the shoulders. “Dana, it means everything. After watching you get pulled out of your car by HSI tonight and being helpless to stop it … After everything we’ve been through. It’s all the more reason to say that word. I love you. I’ve made peace with that. One day, I hope you can, too.”
Dana stoodspeechless in Jake’s presence for the second time in less than an hour, trying to absorb his calm revelation. It was a complete departure from the way he normally went about things, and it was jarring. She was much more adept at handling his temper and misguided machismo. But this wasn’tan argument. Jake had simply led her to a fork in the road and let her know what path he was choosing.
The rest was up to her.
“Keep researching your Reaper theory,” he said calmly. “I’m going to go check on Claire.”
Then he kissed her atop her head and walked out of the room.
It’s finally time.I’m done waiting. Done hiding.
It’s time to reap.
I don’t want to, but I must take this next step. I promised I would. It is my destiny. I’ve been chosen. I’ve prepared. I can’t stop now.
This is bigger than me. It was set in motion long ago. Now I have the honor of carrying out another step.
I’m so close to having it all. I can’t let anything hold me back.
Not emotion.
Not affection.
Not all the superficiality of this world.
There will be a new world when I’m done.
It’s time.
I tap her on the shoulder. She turns to face me. She even has the audacity to look impatient. I grin.