Page 64 of Girl Betrayed

Jake shook his head. “I think it’s best if we put a hold on that for now. Everything I touch is currently under investigation.It’s best I don’t make things worse for Jenkins by ruffling more feathers. Besides, my attorney will have an aneurism if I don’t heed his not too subtle ‘stand down’ orders.”

“Okay, but there has to be something we can do to be productive.” An idle mind was the devil’s workshop, and Dana needed a distraction. “What about looking into your father?”


Claire tiptoed awayfrom Dana’s office. The paranoia that drew her there only grew worse when she heard her name in the muffled conversation. The sudden vibration in her pocket made her jump. Unable to discern much from Jake and Dana’s hushed tones, she was relieved by the excuse to tear herself away. Especially when she saw it was Betty calling.

“Claire? Where are you?”

“I’m still at Dana’s. Why?”

“Can you get away? We really need to talk in person.”

Claire peeked through the curtains at the dining room window. “The reporters are still here. I don’t think I’m going anywhere for a while.”

Betty’s silence made Claire’s skin crawl. “What’s wrong? Is it Max?”

“No but he needs us more than ever. We’re his only chance now, and we’re running out of time.”

“Why? What aren’t you telling me?”

“I can’t talk about it over the phone.”


But the line had already gone dead.


Anger stabbedJake like a spear when he saw the name flashing across his caller ID. “You’ve got a lot of nerve calling me, Hartwell.”

“Figured you’d blame me,” Hartwell grumbled. “For what it’s worth, I held up my end of things. Still am. Believe me or don’t, but that’s why I’m calling.”

Jake waited while a familiar commotion crackled on Hartwell’s end of the line. “You asked me to keep you in the loop.” Hartwell exhaled. “I shouldn’t even be sharing this … but we found another body.”

Jake had known what was coming before Hartwell managed to get the words out. Even before he heard the sirens in the background, years of training had told him what was coming. “Who?” was all Jake asked.

“No ID. John Doe, early twenties, same MO as Hayes.”


“You with Dr. Gray?” Hartwell asked.

“Yeah. Drop a pin and we’re on our way.”

“Just Gray. If you set foot on scene, we’ve got orders to take you into custody.”

Jake stiffened. “Orders. From who?”

“I’m not at liberty to say. In fact, this conversation never happened,” Hartwell insisted. “Just send Dr. Gray.” Then he hung up.

Jake still held the phone to his ear, listening to the deafening silence as Dana stared at him, questions dancing in her eyes. As soon as he put the phone down, she spoke. “It happened again, didn’t it?”

Jake nodded. “Hartwell wants you on scene.”

Dana was already moving toward the door. “Wait, just me?”

“Turns out my voluntary house arrest is more order than suggestion. He made it very clear he’d have no choice but to arrest me if I come anywhere near this.”