Page 60 of Girl Betrayed

Whatever Dana was about to say was cut short when Jenkins burst through Jake’s office door, Claire by her side.


Fury rolledoff Assistant Director Remi Jenkins like a thunder cloud. Dana wisely stepped back from Jake, knowing keeping her mouth shut was the best move.

Jenkins hauled Claire into the room by her arm, shoving her into the nearest chair and slamming the door closed behind her before addressing the room.

“Are you kidding me? Why on earth would you think bringing her here was a good idea?”

Jenkin’s accusatory finger was pointed at Claire, but her anger was directed solely at Jake, who immediately went on the defensive. “I know I’m not officially off leave, but I needed somewhere to work a special project, and Claire and Dana are helping.”

“Does this look like a recreation center to you, Shepard? This is the goddamned FBI!”

“I know where we are, Jenks.”

“The fact that you brought her here says you don’t have a clue!” Jenkins waved her cell phone in Jake’s face. “Do you have any idea the position you’ve put me in?”

Jake took the phone, his outrage suddenly morphing into shock when he read what was on the screen.

Curiosity had Dana edging closer. “What’s going on?” she asked, trying to see Jenkins’ phone.

Jenkins ignored her question, her fury still fixed on Jake. “Did I or did I not give you a direct order to stay out of this Hayes situation?”

“Jenkins, I can explain.”

“I’d rather you didn’t.” She snatched her phone back. “The article spells it out perfectly.”

Dana paled. “The Post ran the article? I thought there was a gag order?”

When Jenkins turned on Dana, she regretted opening her mouth. “You knew about this, too?” A bitter smile spread across her face. “I don’t know why I’m surprised. Where there’s trouble, there’s Dana Gray.” Jenkins strode so close to Dana she could see the woman’s fillings. “I know you’re used to Jake bringing the calvary in to save the day, but your presence here has just made that impossible.”

“Dana has nothing to do with this,” Jake interjected, shoving his way between the two women.

Jenkins glowered at him. “Like hell she doesn’t. Ever since you started working with her you’ve thrown policy and procedure out the window. The law isn’t flexible, Shepard. And this time you’ve gone too far.”

“Hold on. I hate Hayes, but I’m not gonna let him jeopardize my career. I heard what you said to me at the morgue.”

“Apparently not.” She held up her phone again, reading from the article Dana couldn’t see. “Witness tampering, obstruction of justice, unauthorized disclosure of classified information and that’s just the tip of the iceberg now that Homeland and the NSA are involved! I can’t protect you, Jake. If they say so, you’re gone. And I won’t even know where to begin looking. Did you even think about what that will do to the people you’ve got depending on you? Are you really this reckless?”


“No.” She held out her hand. “Badge and gun, now.”


“You’re suspended.” She shook her head, face flush with anger. “Never thought this would be my last act as Assistant Director.”

Jake paled. Jenkins was being suspended, too? That couldn’t be! “No, Jenks. This is a temporary misunderstanding,” he argued. “We’ll sort this out.”

“Wewon’t do anything. If you come to your senses, I’ll be in Nevada. Unlike you, I don’t betray family.”


Jake exhaledsome of his tension from the passenger seat when Dana drove them out of the Bureau’s parking lot. Surrendering his government vehicle had been almost as humiliating as losing his badge and weapon. But he was counting himself lucky that security hadn’t escorted him directly into NSA custody.

Claire was in the back seat, eyes wide, spewing an endless stream of questions that Jake couldn’t answer. “I don’t understand what just happened. Did Jenkins lose her job? And why did she suspend you?”

“I tried to keep your name out of the witness report,” Jake answered. “So much for Hartwell having my back,” he muttered to himself.