Page 20 of Girl Betrayed

“I’m sorry. I wanted to let you get some sleep.”

“It’s fine. I just need a quick shower.”

Ever prepared, Jake had a go-bag in the back of his SUV with everything he’d need to switch back into FBI mode. He downed his coffee and headed outside to grab it, first checking the patch job he’d done on Dana’s front door.

He’d repaired it last night while the girls slept. The spare plywood he’d found in the basement was fine in a pinch, but he planned to head to the hardware store to get a permanent solution right after he finished installing the security system Dana still hadn’t unboxed.

When he came back inside Dana was toasting bagels. The aroma made his stomach growl, reminding him he hadn’t eaten since Nevada. He made a detour through the kitchen and snagged an everything bagel on his way to the bathroom, kissing Dana on the head as she swatted at him.

“Towels are in the hall closet,” she called after him. “Don’t leave them on the floor.”

“Yes, dear,” he answered around a mouthful of bagel, certain he’d never tasted anything so delicious. But Dana could’ve served him sawdust and he would’ve loved it. He’d missed this—the push and pull of their banter. When they were apart, he was like a one-sided coin; flat, heavy, inept.

But now, reunited with his other half, new life had been breathed back into Jake. And he was ready to take on whatever the day threw at him.



Dana jumped at the sound of Claire’s voice, nearly dropping the tub of cream cheese she was holding. “Claire! You’re awake!” Dana shut the fridge and rushed over to Claire. She was about to throw her arms around the girl but stopped herself. Claire had strict boundaries when it came to personal space and Dana didn’t want to overwhelm her. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine. Hungry. Got anything besides bagels?” Claire asked, stepping around Dana to pour herself a cup of coffee. She added creamer with a heavy hand then plopped down in one of the squeaky swiveling barstools at the kitchen island.

Dana blinked, taken aback by Claire’s nonchalance. She took a tentative step closer. “What do you remember about last night?”

Claire took a sip of coffee, put it down on the counter and stared into it, perplexity filling her delicate features. She pushed her glasses back up her nose. “The last thing I remember is being in bed at the clinic.” She looked at Dana. “Wait! How did I get here?”

Immediately, Dana regretted questioning Claire. She should’ve waited for Dr. Dvita. Dana was weighing how much totell Claire about the events of last night when a loud clatter made both women jump.

“Is someone here?” Claire asked, her eyes filling with fear.

A string of profanity drifted toward the kitchen from down the hall, followed by heavy footsteps. Dana hurried to reassure Claire. “It’s just Jake.”

“What’s Jake doing here?”

As if conjured from her dreams, he appeared in Dana’s kitchen, shirtless and clutching two halves of what had once been a singular mask. “Please tell me this is a replica,” Jake begged.

“It’s not,” Dana answered, rushing to retrieve the priceless Luba mask.

“Shit! I knocked it over when I was getting dressed.”

Claire stood, the barstool screeching in protest at the sudden movement. “Oh my God! You and Sergeant McSexy? What the hell did I miss?”

Jake seemed to notice Claire for the first time. “Elvira! You’re awake.”

“And you’re half naked,” she shot back.

Jake had started toward Claire, but paused, realizing she was right. He tightened the towel around his waist, his skin still glistening from his shower.

“What’s going on?” Claire asked, looking from Jake to Dana. “Are you guys … together?”

Dana froze—a deer caught in high-beams. “No … we’re … he …” She stammered until Jake interrupted.

“I came over last night after Dana told me what happened at the clinic. We just wanted to make sure you’re okay, Claire.”

“I’m fine, but why does everyone keep harping on last night?”

Jake’s brow furrowed. “Do you not remember what happened?”