Page 16 of Girl Betrayed

“Feels more like a three-ring circus,” Hartwell muttered just loud enough to be overheard.

“Does someone want to tell me what the hell is going on?” Jake asked, taking a step toward Hartwell. The two had buried the hatchet since getting acquainted with each other’s fists during their last case, but Hartwell’s tone was bordering on disrespectful, and that wasn’t something Jake was about to tolerate.

“Why don’t you follow up with your officers,” Jenkins recommended, stepping between the two men to diffuse the tension. “I’ll get Shepard and Gray briefed.”

“Fine,” Hartwell conceded. “But for the record, I’m not keen on bringing them on board.”

Jake waited until Hartwell was outside before advancing on Jenkins. Keeping his voice low, he gestured toward Claire who still sat in a catatonic state on Dana’s couch. “Please tell me you can explain what we’re dealing with here.”

Jenkins looked defeated as she shook her head. “The best I can do is direct you to someone who’s offered to help.”

“And who’s that?” Jake asked.

“Dr. Roman Dvita has reached out. He’s the psychologist from the clinic who’s been treating Claire. He’s advised us to refer any of his patients who’ve been affected by tonight’s events to continue with his care.”

Jake scoffed. “Now hardly seems like the time to be drumming up business.”

Jenkins gave him a look that said he was missing something. With a slight nod of her head, she signaled for Jake to follow her out of the room, but he was done taking orders. “Enough with the secrecy. Just say it, Jenks.”

Jenkins let the weight of her steely gaze move pointedly from Jake to Dana, but he held his ground. “Whatever it is, she needs to be read in on it, too.”

Accepting Jake’s decision, Jenkins walked forward and handed Dana a photo. “Dr. Dvita made it clear that you have more than one friend in common. And if tonight’s incident is any indication, they both might be in danger.”

When Dana’s eyes settled on the photograph, she looked like she’d been slapped. “Meredith and Claire?” The names came out like a sob. “What does this mean?”

“I suggest you call Dr. Dvita,” was the only answer Jenkins gave before heading toward the door.

A million scenarios whirred in Jake’s mind after looking at the photo of the two women. They’d been captured in an animated discussion, with a third party. The man’s face was turned away from the camera, but Jake’s gut told him he had something to do with this.

There was no love lost between Jake and Meredith, but if this mystery man hurt Claire, Jake would go to the ends of the earth to make him pay. Dana looked like she was going to collapse, but Jake needed answers.

Jumping into action, Jake led Dana to the couch and sat her next to Claire. “Stay with her, I’ll be right back.”

Jogging, Jake caught up with Jenkins just as Hartwell and the Metro officers were pulling away. “Jenks, what the hell? You drop a bomb like that and just walk out?”

“Jake, if you think that’s the bomb, you’ve got another thing coming.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know how else to say it. Stay away from this case, Shep. And if you care about Gray, you’ll keep her out of it, too.”

“How? I don’t even know what the hell’s going on.”

“And it’s better that way.”

“Jenks, ya gotta give me something. I get a phone call from Dana saying someone was murdered at Claire’s torched rehab facility and that she’s missing. I show up here and find someone breaking into Dana’s house and then Claire shows up looking like the walking dead. Now you give me a photo of Claire and Meredith, who’s not supposed to have the freedom to make social calls by the way, and I’m supposed to just ignore all that?”

“You’re supposed to be on vacation, Shep. So be on vacation. Maybe take Gray and the Townsend girl with you. But make sure she follows up with her doctor and gets the care she needs.”


“Jake,” she stepped closer to him, her voice softening just enough to let her Louisiana accent through. “Wade filled me in. I’m sorry for what you’re going through with your mom ‘n ‘em.”

“If that’s why you’re keeping me off this …”

“It’s not, I just need you to keep your distance and trust me on this one.”

Jake knew when arguing was useless, so he nodded, shoved his numb hands into his pockets and watched Jenkins drive away into the frigid night.