He was right. The property was crawling with SWAT, BAU, US Marshals, and Metro officers. If the Reaper showed up, escape wouldn’t be an option.
Jake went back to his rifle, kneeling to adjust the scope another millimeter or so. The McMillan TAC-338A was an impressive piece of machinery. When they arrived, Dana had watched in awe as he assembled the thirteen-pound sniper rifle like it was as simple as putting batteries in a flashlight.
“Do you think you’ll have to use it?” she asked quietly.
Jake answered without looking at her. “Anyone already thinking about pulling the trigger has no business behind this kind of weapon.”
“Right,” Dana said, biting her lip, sorry she’d asked.
Jake finished his tinkering and sat up with a heavy exhale. “Didn’t mean to sound harsh. It’s just been a while since I’ve used something of this caliber. Brings back memories.”
He nodded.
“Is it easier?” she asked. “Taking a life from so far away?”
Jake leaned back against the wall, his shoulder brushing against hers. “No. Double tap to the chest or picking ‘em off from 700 yards, it all weighs the same on your soul.” He turned to look at her, his blue eyes aglow in the moonlight. “But I don’t have to tell you that.”
Her chest tightened the way it always did when she thought about that day on the hill, when she’d taken the shot. The decision had been life or death. Jake or Meredith. She hated that it had been frighteningly easy. Hated that faced with the same dilemma, she wouldn’t change a thing. Dana reached out and grabbed one of Jake’s scarred hands, squeezing it. “I don’t regret it. You know that, right?”
“I shouldn’t have brought it up.”
Dana squeezed her conviction into his hand. “We need to be able to talk about these things if we’re ever going to move forward. Our cases, our losses, war …”
Jake exhaled, looking away again. “Being home is its own kind of war.”
“It doesn’t have to be.”
He looked at her. The confliction dancing in his eyes hollowed her insides. “Jake, I don’t want to be another battle you have to face.”
“You’re not.”
“Then why does it feel that way?”
“Because it’s impossible to be in two places at once.”
“Then don’t. I know your family needs you.”
His eyes darkened as he turned toward her, pinning her face between his hands. “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you, Dana.You’remy family.”
Dana’s pulse quickened, every part of her tightening as she focused on Jake’s lips, inches from her own. She’d never wanted to kiss him more. Breathless, she grabbed his collar, ready to pull him toward her when something flashed in the distance.
“Jake…” she whispered, trying to warn him, but his radio beat her to it.
“All units be advised. Tango approaching.”
Jake silencedhis radio and switched over to his earpiece, gaze already searching through his scope. He spotted the target instantly. Adult male, black sweatshirt, hood up, silver scythe glistening in the moonlight. “Tango sighted. Awaiting command,” Jake relayed.
“Hold fire,” Hartwell replied.
“Is it him?” Dana whispered. “Is it Max?”
“Can’t tell,” Jake whispered back, “But he’s approaching a sea of officers and agents with a weapon. If he doesn’t stop, this doesn’t end well.”
“Jake, we have to take him alive, or we’ll never know the truth!”