Page 105 of Girl Betrayed

Richter frowned. “I’m not so sure.”

“You were the one who said trust your gut.”

“I know, and now I need to take my own advice,” Richter said. “Dvita’s in lockup. There’s no way he could’ve got to her.”

“We discussed this. He could’ve already had this plan set in motion,” Dana argued.

“Possibly, but it doesn’t feel right. I guess we won’t know until we talk to Meredith.”

“Maybe not,” Dana said, an idea forming that just might fast forward through all the red tape and get them the answers they needed. “How do you feel about hypnosis?”

After getting Richter on board,Dana dialed Jake. His voice was the perfect salve for the chill and fatigue the day had gifted her.

“We’re fine,” he reassured her when she asked about him and Claire. “What’s going on?”

Dana filled him in on the events of the day while Richter drove.

“Wow,” Jake said when she’d finished.

“Yeah,” Dana almost laughed. “That about sums it up. The important thing is Meredith is okay, but we’re not getting in tosee her today. St. Elizabeth’s is still on lockdown. Richter and I are heading back to the house.”

“For what?” Jake asked.

“I want to run something by you. It’s about Claire.”

Dana laid out her plan and was met with Jake’s silence. “What do you think?” she pressed.

“I think it just might be crazy enough to work, but it has to be Claire’s decision. She’s been through enough. I’m not going to force her to do anything she doesn’t want to. And the BAU and Hartwell have to sign off.”

“They already have.”

“Of course they have,” he muttered.

“Jake, we don’t have a lot of time. If we’re wrong about Dvita, then the Reaper is still out there and someone else is going to die tonight. I’m just trying to make sure it’s not Claire.”

“I know, and that’s the only reason I’m agreeing to this.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.” She hung up the phone and looked at Richter. “He’s in.”


With the streetfinally free of news vans Jake decided to get some air. Collar popped against the unseasonable chill, he took a seat in one of Dana’s rocking chairs, trying to gather his thoughts. He sipped on another cup of coffee, having lost count of how many this made. They all tasted the same; bitter and agitating. He needed the caffeine, but it did nothing to quiet his concerns. Even adding a shot of bourbon didn’t help. So, he added one more.

Jake had a lot on his mind—Dana, Claire, his mother, Wade, Jenkins, his father, his career. The endless wheel of worries tumbled inside him at all times. It was exhausting and it wouldn’t stop until he came to a decision.Where was he needed most?

As much as he’d hassled his attorney, Jake knew his suspension would be resolved soon, which only added pressure to make up his mind.

He was still on the front porch wrestling with his thoughts when Richter pulled up. Seeing his old friend pulled a smile out of him. Jake stood, greeting Richter and Dana at the door.

“Richter, I would’a thought you’d be in the five-sided puzzle piece by now,” Jake ribbed his old C.O.

Richter smirked. “They keep trying, but I keep tellin’ ‘em there’s too many old bullet-catchers in the Bureau that need my attention.”

“Hooah!” Jake bellowed as they clasped hands.

Richter echoed the Army sentiment and patted Jake on the back as Dana joined them.

“You didn’t tell me you knew each other from the Army,” she said, glancing between them.