Page 24 of Taming Drew

The sadness covering her face pokes at my heart. “He didn’t get the chance. He died before I could tell him. My parents believed I was living a life of sin, and they couldn’t accept what I had done. When he died, my father insisted I give up the baby, and I wouldn’t, so they told me not to come home. It was a hard time, but Freya is worth it.”

My blood pressure rises as my heart races.My mother wouldn’t have been happy if I’d knocked someone up without a marriage license, but she’d have accepted it and wanted her grandchild.“That’s awful. No one deserves shitty people like that. I’m sorry.”

She eats the bite of steak off her fork. “Thanks. I survived. I finished school and got a job. When I got laid off, I found the job with Lily. I like Dallas.”

“I’m glad you’re here. You deserve to be around people who like and appreciate you.” I cast my eyes down and then back up. I focus on her face, trying to connect. “Have you heard from your family?”

She shakes her head, swaying it slowly back and forth. “No. I let them know we were moving to Dallas, but they never reached out. That door is closed.”

I take her hand in mine and hold it, willing her sadness away. “Things happen for a reason. That’s what my mom thought.”

“I certainly can’t disagree with that sentiment. Though I never expected this would ever happen.”

My face morphs into a huge grin. “By this, do you mean us?”

The blush creeps up her neck and splays across her face like she’d been in the sun. She dips her eyes before looking back up at me. “Is this an ‘us’?” She uses air quotes and my heart picks up speed.

“Damn straight, we’re an ‘us’.”

Her brow peaks. “Who knew you were such a sweet talker?”

Her napkin sits atop her plate, and I move fast and sure, wrapping my arms around her to grasp her out of her seat and walk us down the hall. “I assume this is the right way to your bedroom.”

Chloe tucks her head against my chest. “I wasn’t expecting this. My bedroom isn’t clean.”

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure it is cleaner than any place in my entire apartment, even after I’ve had the maid over.”

She giggles. “You’re funny.”

“You won’t be laughing in a minute.”



My phone rings and my eyes ping open. I’m still laying against Drew’s body, curled into his front, like a wall warmed by the sun.I don’t want to get up, but it could be about Freya.I lift Drew’s heavy arm and scoot out from under it. Racing to the living room, I pluck my phone off the table. I hit redial.


“Lily. What’s wrong?”

“Uh. I’m sending you a link.”

Shit. This can’t be good.“What’s it about?” I hit the speaker button on my phone.

“There’s a story about you and Drew.”

“What story?”

“Apparently, someone saw you leaving the hospital with Drew, and they’re suggesting that you two are a couple. They’ve got photos. Also, someone tracked down your old high school yearbook pictures.”

My mind races through the scenarios playing through my brain. “What aren’t you telling me?” I click on the link.

“Freya’s photo is on one of the other sites. I’m afraid they’re going to spread a rumor about the three of you. Did you ever notice how much Freya looks like Drew?”

“Just because they both have dark hair and blue eyes, doesn’t make him her father.”

Lily nods. “I get it, but people see what they want to see.”