The judge clears his throat as I turn to take her hand in mine. The older, distinguished man smiles. “Welcome.” He looks around at the dozen or so people staring up at us. “We’re here this evening to witness and celebrate Andrew and Chloe. A marriage may start on the wedding day but your relationship has been building moment by moment. And your efforts will continue well beyond our ceremony. A marriage is more than a piece of paper. It’s a binding contract to work with each other to build your future.” He nods at us. “Do you Andrew King take Chloe Taylor to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do you part?”
I nod, blurting out a loud, “yes.”
Our friends laugh, and my heart picks up speed.Will she say it too?
The judge smiles at Chloe. Her eyes are wide, and she’s biting her lower lip.She’s nervous.He shakes his bible at her, and I see a wisp of a smile. He starts his spiel again. “Do you Chloe Taylor take Andrew King to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do you part?”
She looks into my eyes. “Yes.”
The judge looks at me. “Do you have rings to exchange?”
I nod, turning to Travis, who pretends he doesn’t have them, and then pulls out a velvet box and winks at my bride. “Got them.” He hands me the box, and I open it, pulling out both rings. I hand mine to Chloe while she stares at it like it might bite. I close the box and toss it to Banner in the front row. I turn to Chloe, who’s got a serious expression in contrast to the judge, who’s smirking.
The judge looks at me. “Do you know what to say?”
I grin, taking Chloe’s hand in mine. “Chloe, I give you this ring as a symbol of my devotion and loyalty.” I slide the ring onto her finger and squeeze her hand.
Chloe shifts the ring from her palm to her hand. “Drew, I give you this ring as a symbol of my devotion and loyalty.” She puts the ring on my finger, and I nod. We look back at the judge.
He holds up his bible. “By the power vested in me by the State of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”
I pull Chloe into my arms and kiss her gently. She starts out stiff but slowly melts. I move my mouth next to her ear. “Thank you.”
She smiles, and I reach over to take Freya’s hand as Chloe beams. She places her other hand into Chloe’s, and we walk down the aisle looking at the smiling faces shining at us. We move into the roof area that’s open to the sky. The photographer has set up a beautiful backdrop, and the three of us move into position for photos.
Freya radiates happiness and squeezes my hand. She looks up, and I smile back. I tip my head to the camera as the photographer begins to snap the photos. Our friends join us after we’re done with the attendants.
I’m tired of doing this.I lean to Chloe. “Any day now. I’d like to get to the reception so we can eat. I’m starving.”
“Me too. Freya’s about to drop.”
I raise my hand. “Okay everyone. Cameron and Kylie have graciously given us the side room at our favorite Italian restaurant. We’ll meet everyone there.” I take Chloe and Freya’s hands and we walk to the elevator.
Freya is tired but bouncing off the walls. “That was fun.” She looks at me with a funny face. “I, um. Mommy said I can change into the other dress before we go to the thing.”
Chloe nods. “Yes. We also need to make sure your bag is packed, so that you and Lily can pick it up after the reception.”
She frowns. “How long will you be gone?”
I kneel. “We’ll be gone a week, and you’ll have fun with Phoebe.”
“Yay.” Her exuberance is contagious giving both me and Chloe a chance to laugh.
The three of us walk into the condo, and we go to our respective rooms to change. I’m just dropping off my jacket and tie for the reception. Chloe and Freya have dresses in the same colors as the dresses they wore, but a simpler style. A few minutes later, we all walk out and get back into the elevator.
We walk into the restaurant next door. Freya asks. “Can I have spaghetti with meatballs?”
Chloe strokes her daughter’s face. “Of course, and they have the cheesy bread that you and Drew always fight over.”
Freya offers me a huge smile and my heart melts. The more time I spend with her, the more I want her to be mine.
We walk into the room to loud applause and Cameron’s booming voice. “Congratulations King family.” He raises his glass as we take our seats.
In the corner of the room, there is a buffet of everyone’s favorites, and I’m eying the table as my eyes catch Freya’s. She flicks her head, and I tap my watch, giving her five fingers. I raise the champagne flute. “Thank you all for coming on such short notice. Chloe and I appreciate all of you.”
Travis stands across the table and holds up his glass. “That’s my cue.” He clears his throat. “Welcome, Chloe. I can’t believe I leave him alone for three weeks and he goes and finds himself the one.” He grins. “You’re a welcome addition to our Mustang family, you and Freya. Thanks for putting that stupid grin on his ugly face.” He turns his eyes to me and growls, lowering his voice. “Be the best man I know you can be.” His frown quickly turns to a smile. “Congratulations, Drew and Chloe.”
Warm wishes echo around the room. Lily gives her light-hearted speech, and I nod at Freya. “Food time.” She jumps up, and we move to the buffet table like we’ve both been stranded on an island with no food.