“I was thinking about what it would be like to have more kids. That was something I thought wouldn’t happen for me.”
The door opened, and Al popped his head out. “Are you two coming inside? Soon, there won’t be anything left.”
Jameson dropped my hand, jogging up the steps to hold the door for me. “Stop eating all the turkey.”
He dropped his bag by the door, and I followed him to the dining room where everyone was eating off paper plates.
Al gestured at the table where everything had been laid out on platters and bowls. “It’s every man and woman for themselves.”
Jameson winked at me. “Welcome to the Calloways. Eat fast.”
He grabbed plates, handing me one. We piled our plates high.
I was ravenous after the hike. I was tired and sore in a good way. I couldn’t remember when I’d had a better time.
Once everyone had eaten their fill, then grabbed slices of pie, Al stood, and said, “Let’s put the open sign up. Can you post on social media, Daphne?”
“On it,” Daphne said.
Fiona stood to gather plates. “We’ll clean up. Everyone else can take care of the farm.”
“Let’s head down the lane and make sure there aren’t any slick spots,” Al said to Teddy.
I moved to clear the dishes, but Owen stopped me with a hand on my arm. “Can I stay and help? I know I wasn’t scheduled to volunteer today. But I’m already here.”
“If that’s okay with the Calloways,” I said, looking around for Jameson who was emptying the garbage in the kitchen.
“I don’t mind. We can use all the hands we can get. Our high-school volunteer called out because of the weather. We’ll be busier than ever since we’re getting a late start.”
“Do you want me to stop at home and grab a change of clothes?” I asked Owen.
Owen shrugged. “I don’t care.”
Jameson tied off the bag and stopped by us. “Why don’t you head home, do whatever you have to do, and I’ll drop him and your tree off tonight.”
“That would be great.” I’d almost forgotten that we needed to get the tree home.
Wes headed toward the door. “I’ll take him to the barn and get him set up.”
“Be good,” I called after Owen. When they were gone, I asked Jameson, “Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want to intrude.”
Daphne and Fiona were in the kitchen, but the other guys had all made their way outside.
“I love having Owen here,” Jameson said, and his tone was so sincere; I believed him.
“Thank you.”
Jameson tipped his head to the side and laughed. “For what?”
“I don’t know.” I looked away and then back at him. He was so attractive, so sweet and genuine, it was hard to look directly at him. “For being you.”
He laughed and shook his head. “I haven’t heard that one before.”
I squeezed his arm. “Get used to it. Because I think you’re great.”
Jameson lowered the bag to the floor, then glanced around, probably to ensure his sisters weren’t nearby, then kissed me. “I think you’re great too.”
We pulled apart when we heard a gagging sound.