Suddenly nervous that we were truly going to be alone in the house together, I ducked into the downstairs bathroom to wash my face, comb through the tangles in my hair, then change into his clothes. They were too big, but the best part was that they smelled like Jameson. My cheeks heated as I remembered what happened the last time I wore his hoodie with nothing underneath.
Jameson must have changed more quickly because he was already on the couch with his feet propped on the coffee table, flipping through channels. “What do you like? Action, comedy, or holiday?”
I sat next to him, bending my knee underneath me. “Definitely holiday.
Jameson smiled at me. “You got it. Romance or comedy?”
“Oh, let’s do both,” I said when I saw Four Christmases.
Jameson clicked Play for the movie. “Good choice.”
After a few minutes, Jameson said, “I wish we had popcorn.” Then he jumped up and rifled through his bag. “I grabbed chips from my house.”
He pulled out the bag, opened it, and handed it to me.
“This is just as good as popcorn,” I said as I ate a few chips, then passed it back to him. I watched as he literally pulled out fistfuls.
When he caught me watching, he shrugged. “Sorry, I’m used to eating quickly because one of my brothers was sure to eat them first.”
I smiled. “I don’t mind. I’m sure you’re in family mode after hanging around them all day.”
I turned my attention back to the TV, but Jameson said, “It wasn’t too bad today. Usually, they give me shit for my job choices, my lack of girlfriend, or even how long it took me to figure out my life. But they didn’t mention any of that today.”
“Was it because I was there?” I asked.
“It must have been. I’m going to need you to come to every family dinner and holiday from now on.” Jameson smiled, but I saw how much that admission cost him.
I settled into the seat cushions. “I don’t know about that. I have my parents to think about.”
“I was just kidding but not really. If you’re available on Christmas, that would be great.” He reached over and touched my thigh, sending a tingle of awareness through my body.
I wondered if we’d still be friends by Christmas or would we have evolved into something else. Nerves fluttered in my stomach at the thought.
After the bag of chips was demolished, we drank the waters, and I felt Jameson’s gaze on my cheek. “What? Do I have barbecue on my face?”
“I was just remembering what you wore under my hoodie the last time.”
“I wasn’t wearing anything,” I said softly.
His eyes flashed with desire. “Is that the same case today?”
“You’ll have to find out.” It was a blatant invitation for him to run his hands under my sweatshirt. It was bold and risky, but I didn’t hold back. We’d unleashed something when we kissed, and I wasn’t going to squander this opportunity to see where it could take us.
Jameson tossed the remote on the coffee table, where it skidded across the slippery surface and landed on the floor.
My skin was tingling at the idea of being alone with Jameson. With that voice that was in my ear last time combined with his hands and his mouth.
Jameson moved quickly, his hand braced on the arm rest behind me, and the other coasting over my waist. “Are you sure about this?”
I trusted him. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
His mouth came crashing down on mine, and his hand brushed under the hem of my sweatshirt. His hand ghosted over my stomach, then drifted higher. I gasped into his mouth when his palm covered one breast.
He rested his forehead on mine. “You’re killing me.”
I touched his back, sliding under his T-shirt to feel his warm skin. The muscles rippled under my fingers. “I hope it’s in the best way possible.”
“It sure is.” Then his mouth was on mine again, my legs spreading to accommodate him between my legs.