Jameson lifted his head. “Sutton’s all right. Wes is taking care of her.”
I palmed his cheek. “I asked if you were okay.”
He nodded, leaning his cheek into my palm. “I will be.”
“That must have been scary.” Even though Jameson probably saw similar scenarios all the time, this was a close family friend.
“When I saw her red car off the road—” He shook his head. “You know I do this for a living, but when it’s someone you know, everything is more intense.”
“But she’s here now, and you said she’s going to be okay. Wes will take good care of her.” But who took care of Jameson when he had a bad call at work? Did he brush over it, cover it with jokes when he was hurting?
He turned his head and kissed my palm. It sent heat coursing through my body. “You’ll stay here tonight. The roads are too icy.”
“Okay.” I’d do whatever he needed to feel better.
“There’s plenty of room here in the main house, or you can stay in the cottage.”
“Where do you want me to stay?” I asked him, my insides feeling quivery at the prospect of time alone with him.
“The cottage is more private, and the house will be full if everyone stays.”
Al entered the room, and Jameson lifted his arm so I could step away.
“I told everyone to stay the night. Fiona and Aiden can have a room, Wes and Sutton in the second, and Cole, Daphne, and Izzy can have another. That leaves one room.”
“Me and Owen can share,” I offered, not wanting to put anyone out.
“Are you sure Owen will want to?” Jameson asked.
“Probably not.” He preferred his privacy, and he wasn’t a little kid anymore.
“I’ll set up the cottage for you, and Owen can have his own room,” Jameson offered.
Al nodded. “That’s probably for the best. Daphne didn’t want Izzy to stay at the cottage again. She doesn’t want her to get confused.”
“I can understand that,” Jameson said. “Why don’t you talk to Owen and make sure he’ll be okay with staying here.”
I nodded and left the room. I sat next to Owen. “Everyone is staying here for the night. Are you okay in a room upstairs?”
His forehead creased. “Where will you be?”
“I’m going to stay in the cottage on the property. You could stay with me if you want.”
“I’d rather stay here. Teddy said he’d play some video games with me.”
“That’s fine with me.” I wanted Owen to make connections with the Calloways. To see good male role models.
Jameson stood in the entryway. “We should head over to the cottage and get it ready. I grabbed some drinks and snacks. It’s just going to get worse out there.”
We said our goodbyes, then put on our jackets and boots for the walk to the cottage.
“Are you sure Owen will be okay on his own at the main house?” Outside, the freezing rain stung my cheeks.
“He’s got my brothers, my sisters, and my dad. He has a cell phone so he can call you if he needs you.”
I pursed my lips. “I feel guilty for some reason.”
“Owen wanted to be in the main house surrounded by everyone. Teddy and Wes will keep him occupied with video games and food. He’ll be fine.”